
Kylie has a really mature face. I think she looks around 30 instead of 18.

Ew and to think there are still so many people who will deny it no matter the evidence or excuse his behavior since he had a rough past and was a musical “legend.” Ughh. I’m so tired of seeing likeable abusers having their actions deemed justifiable by some.

Thanks! I’d definitely be open to a powder foundation. I’ll look into it.

Thanks! I vaguely remember that name. I’ll have to look into it.

Thanks! That’s actually the one foundation I’ve been keeping my eye on. I was hoping there might be some cheaper alternatives, haha. My gift card is for $40 which greatly reduces the price so I may end up getting it.

I hope everyone is doing well!

Honestly I do feel bad for her and the fact that she didn’t want want to say no in fear of judgement. Even though I exercise on my own regularly I’m hesitant to take an exercise class. I’ve had my fair share of humiliation during junior high PE class, I’m not going to voluntarily put myself in that situation again.

Thanks for the reply. :) Yeah, finding people with similar qualities and beliefs as myself has proven to be difficult. I think I’m going to go the same route as you and try to find some inexpensive classes to take and meet new people. I’m already signed up for a female self defense class in July. I’m also interested

I’m desperately wanting to make more money. My only means of income right now is mowing yards. It’s been so fucking difficult getting a simple, minimum wage job in my area. I’m continuing to apply and I’m also looking into other means of income. If anyone has any advice that would be appreciated. :)

Yes most definitely. I think the mother and nanny/ aunt need to be punished. For some reason I was thinking she had siblings, although it wasn’t stated in the article so I guess it was a wrong assumption on my part. If she does though, I hope that both she and her siblings get the financial aid they need to sustain

This is so fucked up, and I just wish the best for this girl & hope she gets all the emotional support she needs. I would definitely send money to her and her family if it would help her situation. I wish there was a way I could do this knowing the money would definitely be going to her and her family.

Yeah, I agree with that. :) I’ve managed a decent relationship with my step-dad after his remarks. That could be due to the fact that I try to tune out any recollection of that period in my life since it was so miserable, therefore somewhat forgetting what he said. Although, despite his ignorance I genuinely think

Thanks, I just saw that bit of information in the article. Wouldn’t be the first time I missed a vital piece of information in an article.

Oh okay, I didn’t even think of that possibility. Thanks for the insight. :)

Yeah, I get that. I also think that a period of grief and dealing with emotions left from the trauma is necessary. At the time when my step-dad made those comments, I was clearly dealing with grief from the trauma & being told to “forgive” just wasn’t going to help. I think what helps victims of abuse of other trauma

I know, thinking about it makes me get annoyed as well. He also said that that I “put my abuser on a pedestal” when I shouldn’t have. I had a close relationship with my abuser before he became abusive. Excuse me for “putting him on a pedestal” and expecting him to be humane and not be abusive?!

Did he break into her house? At first I thought it was a public bathroom, but when she said she coaxed him to the bedroom it suggested it may have been her house. In that case, his version of the story seems to fall flat. “I had to go to the bathroom so badly that I broke into someone’s house.” Yeah.. no.

“I guess we are supposed to find it in our hearts to forgive this clown... who has taken my child.”

That’s why I said previous trauma PRIOR to this event. I’ve dealt with sexual abuse and human trafficking.

I’m not sure if I believe the all of the young boys need to go to jail.** This is coming from someone who experienced similar trauma as she had prior to this event. It’s just a little bit frustrating when you’ve been sexually violated and suddenly everyone says you aren’t able to make rational decisions when it comes