500 Days of Kitten Calamari

The poorest countries in the world simply can’t afford to drop fossil fuels.

As my dog used to say during a thunderstorm: We’re all gonna die!!

You had me shook for a paragraph. Must admit 

I came specifically to see if the Hawking Radiation/ “evaporation” question was posited, and am happy to see it was, and was answered. Thanks.

“The world actually existed,” before the OTA was defunded, “a casualty of then-Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich’s budget-cutting.”

yep but harder to do....

Wait, what?! There’s a black hole in our solar system?! It’s heading for Earth at the speed of light and we only have a few days left, you say?! Can I use more interrobangs in a single paragraph, you ask?!

The issue is not their tech illiteracy. It’s their unrepentant greed and unflinching loyalty to a plutocratic theocracy.

This is only slightly less ambitious than when Kennedy said we’re sending a man to the moon...

One of my twitter followers pointed out that my tone might somewhat oversell this idea, so here’s a reminder that it’s really a pretty speculative thought exercise. Treat this blog as “wow! That’s a weird thing to think about!” rather than “wow, I better go tell my friends there’s a black hole orbiting the solar

So it’s made of unobtainium?

Think about this:


But His Clean-Up Server.

They’re going to pay in pennie installments over the course of 5,000,000 years.

Party of law and order.

Yes, which is also a crime that Jacob Wohl has been previously charged with, so whatevs!

If they don’t have the money, isn’t that fraud? 

Fuck this shit.