500 Days of Kitten Calamari

Not paying out big money on the bet that some content of the whistleblower report leaked or the whistleblower themselves or a trusted associate of said whistleblower privately dished a bunch of dirt to some Democrats. This thing cracked open so fucking fast yesterday there was a sonic boom.

Since Trump and the GOP aren’t exactly being forthcoming in providing that kind of evidence, they’d have to get it some other way which is kind of hard to do when the justice department blocks you at every turn.

But was Kyle Long?


Over under on what percentage of them are privately celebrating tonight? 

I think it’s both. I think that a big part of the reason for the sudden avalanche is that some deets came out and suddenly the moderate wing - including Pelosi - think they can nail Trump’s ass to the wall in a way that either the Republicans can’t ignore or that will make the Republicans look like out-and-out

As long as Dump dies of syphilis in prison after being impeached, justice was served.

Yep. And an impeachment inquiry has basically unchecked power to make that happen. They can have anyone obstructing that process tossed in a box.

“They never even saw the transcript my cronies are illegally withholding from their lawful request to see it! WITCH HUNT”

Both parts of what you said before you broke Godwin’s Law are actually a lot easier than you think. The United States already significantly regulates the entire planet.

The results you’ve posted have nothing to do with whether they SHOULD leave”

Out of all respondents, 87% offered a position, and of that 87%, 49% was that No Deal is bad. That’s over 56% of all the polled who offered a position on the subject, to 44% who say it’s either a positive or something they can live with. That’s about as explicit of a majority as you’re going to get on a contentious

A dozen of the more centrist Democrats have already flipped their script to be pro-impeachment after this Ukraine thing, so at least this may get all dragged out into the light by an actual impeachment inquiry and vote and a forced trial.

Look, I know it’s hard to be wrong

So to be clear: tsg is being pedantic, but that’s not a “majority” of votes. A majority means over 50%. They each had the plurality of votes but not a strict majority; this will always be the case in close elections because a couple percent of the populace will always vote for Gary Busey or some shit like that.

Probably the part where the thing you just said is false.

You’re dramatically underestimating the flippancy of British print headlines.

Cool! Then you regulate that, too!

It’s almost like you’re implying they DIDN’T go out and hire a bunch of literal actual ninjas to follow Obama around and quietly take out white supremacist attackers and hide the bodies in trash cans.

She should absolutely crib a page out of John Cena’s playbook and get the medal put on a medallion that’s a motorized spinner.