500 Days of Kitten Calamari

That is an interesting idea that could help with some problems with exploitation. My main concern is that a human trafficker is already committing major felonies to traffic a person. They’re not going to then stop just because it’s now illegal for them to be the recipients of the profit - their entire operation was


“It’s very real,” Texas Republican Rep. Kevin Brady told the Chronicle. “I’ve never seen a healthcare idea gain so much momentum so quickly.”

...anyone looking to watch some petty bitchfighting on Twitter?

Your boy Donald constantly uses unnamed sources.

That seems pretty obvious innit

Get hit by a cruise missile and die IRL, tomato

Definitely not weird at all.

Unclear how John Bolton then got it back in order to take pictures of it to put on Twitter, which is a very normal thing to do.

or 65-45,[...]

You’ve have to have not fucked a dead pig to have that kind of moral rectitude.

Lady Usher of the Black Rod

It doesn’t take a village to drive a bus though, my man. It takes one chubby dude with a whack-ass haircut.

Appreciate the reply. You’re oversimplifying/limiting the scope of what ‘disaster capitalism’ refers to.

Reince Priebus

Objection: Infers that getting fired by Donald Trump is a disgrace. In reality, getting hired by Donald Trump is a disgrace.

Dumb. They want to go after Middle Eastern oil reserves, not 15-year old boys

Minor point of order before we move on from committee business, but, shouldn’t it be “Scaradouchey”?

Fuck me, this is art.

Fuck me, this is art.