I dunno... Does the gameplay look *fun* to anyone?
I dunno... Does the gameplay look *fun* to anyone?
Those elves are all “Shit, we can’t lift our arms! They're using all the RAM!”
I have about 300 games on my backlog...
Yeah, titles always completely explain everything... You and that dipshit Book of Mormon Freeman should hang out.
Stay stupid, you fucking twit.
I guess it has become tradition now with Horizon games (two fer two!) for people to rush to judging the title's name without knowing anything about it...
Christ... Please stop.
The ending was literally setting up “Hey, here’s an awesome sequel coming!”
Ps4 is my first playstation anything - after a life of Atari, lots of Nintendo, Xbox and Nintendo, decided Nintendo can fuck off during the Wii, stuck with Xbox, and then a friend that’s high up in the gaming world said “gonna want a ps4 - they’re gonna win the generation”, so I did. I hate the controller, but other…
People playing the game that don't need it....
Well, if we're saving dead series, can we get that sequel to Breakdown?
You can have at Animal Crossing all day.
We do. It's "Karen".
Why no controller paddles?..... YOU, HAD *ONE* JOB, NEXT-GEN CONTROLLER: PADDLES STANDARD!!!
Sounds amazing.
Was thinking the same thing.
I’ve played both; beat both. H:ZD is the better game - not even close for me. Throw in some Just Cause elements to a Zelda game and people losing their minds.
Looks great. I think every playstation *before* this one has looked gross.
That’s weird logic.... What if this remaster of Demon Souls is near-perfect? Cancel a second one?
Speed chip?