Cool edit/pivot... Christ, you’re garbage half the time...
Cool edit/pivot... Christ, you’re garbage half the time...
It’s sad and telling that some men in the comments laud her decision as a positive are comparing it essentially to a stripper limiting her regulars from getting too attached, instead of, say, a politician asking only for small donations, like an AOC or Bernie Sanders, etc.... (no knock on strippers or politicians)
I'm not "hip" to the streaming community, but who are the male streamers that have also enacted a hard cap for their donations?
Whoa whoa whoa! Slow down egg head; yer making too much sense...
P. T.
10 years ago, one of my bartenders infused some gin with pistachios and made a Negroni with it.
His stance/take is somewhere between music licensing and fantasy sports. [spilling thoughts here!]
Yeah, you're right. They probably have no data on any of this and are just winging it... Hypothetical anecdotal evidence is always strongest.
On Fallen Order, the critique of: “an overall willingness to copy the design tenets of the Souls series without actually implementing the narrative or systems to provide context.”
Tough to like Dennis Quaid much these days...
Looks like someone answered the question below. External okay, but gotta juggle it to the SSD to start it up.
What does “only work” mean? Like, totally won’t play? Because the PS5 explanation Mark Cerny gave in April (I think) was that the SSD would be required for all of the zero-load-times advantages, but that games would play and you could juggle your most played games on the SSD while keeping other games on a regular…
I don't think that's true. Mark Cerny said something like "If you want the super fast load times" it would have to be SSD, but you could use a regular external hard drive and just not get the same load speeds. He even offered up a strategy of putting the games you play the most on the SSD and storing the others on the…
Sounds like we’re about the same age.
Just curious: how many next gens have you lived through?
“I will never spiritually recover from watching a Goomba get jerked off.”
Right?! I hadn’t seen the statement, so I was all, “Oh okay... Oh you’ve got the statement?... Yeah, that doesn’t say anything you seem to think it says...”
I beat this thing a hundred times when it came out... How did 15yr old me never hear this?