“Guys, their hands went up in the air! Gays can marry! Problems. Solved. Gimme a tough one, like: 'Can straight white males *still* not get a parade around here? Where's the Supreme Court case on that, huh? Brett, that's why we got you in there!"
“Guys, their hands went up in the air! Gays can marry! Problems. Solved. Gimme a tough one, like: 'Can straight white males *still* not get a parade around here? Where's the Supreme Court case on that, huh? Brett, that's why we got you in there!"
Ask not, What your demon tentacle penis can do for you; but, What can you do for your demon tentacle penis!
I’ve waited on some shitty big names in several different walks of life... I “do my job”, give them the service I expect to give everyone, which is fucking fantastic, and keep it to what the guest needs. None of them needed a buddy to talk to all night, so I always stay at other areas of the bar while keeping an eye…
On the one hand, I want to be upset about this...
So what you’re saying, if I’m reading you right, is to ignore the mixed reviews around here when it came out, and check out the first one?
“1: Cheated on his wife
Your [correct] issue with lightsabers is [one of] the reason[s] Logan was awesome:
Didn't run out of anything. You're a fool. There's no need to deal with you anymore. Just know that.
No, you're an idiot for other reasons.
Forgettable rom-com?.... Fuck you!
It’s my first Playstation...
Sony fans...
Trailers and project announcements really bring a wide range of weird fucking responses from The Masses... Someone should do a psychological study on this...
See, I think Fallout could be a game where they could do really interesting new things with the Battle Royale thing...
Okay, so you’ve expanded past your previous BattleTech post in likes... And insult a game as a GTA clone and then start out with Western GTA, got it.
I was joking about Knack... KNACK 2 IS THE SHIT THOUGH!
All right, some haute takes up in here!