See, I think Fallout could be a game where they could do really interesting new things with the Battle Royale thing...
Okay, so you’ve expanded past your previous BattleTech post in likes... And insult a game as a GTA clone and then start out with Western GTA, got it.
I was joking about Knack... KNACK 2 IS THE SHIT THOUGH!
All right, some haute takes up in here!
[scrolling down to ask “Who the fuck -” ah, nevermind - someone covered it]
Let's hope the studio doesn't cast Stasis....? [going with the theme of your last line]
Generally, there’s a bit of a back n forth with the guest and bartender:
Former Vermonter that goes home every now and then.... There are a *lot* of new breweries doing better stuff than Otter Creek. I was surprised, last trip back.
I think a few well-placed Vermonters could do a lot more than a gaggle of some other staters....
The wings were the only thing worth going to their super-weird not-friendly garbage restaurant in Chinatown (Los Angeles) the whole year it was open.
He is Mozart to Stephen Miller’s Salieri - in Stephen Miller’s mind.
Now, the Wizards... There's a team on the up & up!
Short non-handsome men are servers... *especially* where 20+ year experienced supposedly *top* chefs in their areas make $11...
Well, they also have to deal with your horrible fucking self...
You sonofabitch
Do you have any numbers to back the obvious fact that, for whatever reason, Kyrie has destroyed Tatum?
Well, if they can get rid of wizards coming from moons, they can get rid of bros being, like, total broheads, right, bruh?
?! His voice is “mild-mannered Canadian”.... the fuck is great about your voice?