“It’s a joke!” is one of the things assholes say.
“It’s a joke!” is one of the things assholes say.
“Everyone” “needs” “to” “grow” “the” “fuck” “up”. “It’s” “a” joke.
Specifically, it is a Woolly Rhinoceros, commonly depicted in Paleolithic cave art, and believed to have gone extinct along with other megafauna, towards the end of the last ice age.
And an exhibit of some humans spearing...uhh, look, I’ll be honest, I’m not sure what the heck that creature is:
First they came for the billionaires, and I said “hell yeah” because I wasn’t a billionaire.
I can’t believe how many people still don’t understand how this works ( no offense) after 10+ years of news about electric cars.
I have really enjoyed the low-profile approach of Rivian and Lucid, compared to Tesla.
I would think before F1 considers a third race in the U.S. they might want to establish the second one first.
I would rank 6 much higher. It’s genuinely the most I’ve enjoyed a Far Cry game since 3.
He’s both evil and formal, the kind of guy who will stab you in the face for sneezing, but with style and a scary smile.
I gotta admit I loved FC2. The story felt like it had real meaning. Did it have some gameplay flaws, yeah. But at that time soooo many other games did too. But that story, the malaria, the breakable weapons made you feel desperate. For me, it is my fondest FC game and one of my fave overall games to date.
Far Cry 5 did have some gameplay improvements in the form of pets and planes, but it dragged on too long. Overall Far Cry 4 was more enjoyable.
Oh boy do they.
I am similarly intrigued and repelled by the phenomenon known as ‘Star Citizen’.
I’m actually working on it, it does have Autobahn package so...
Here’s a video with without the commentary dominating the sound
You would think, but the way how crossing gates work is *extremely* rudimentary. The train’s wheels complete an electrical circuit once it gets close enough, and that toggles electric motors. There aren’t any *sensors* anywhere.
All the cars are registered and fully road legal. Always- They follow the rules of the road like everyone else, and if a driver speeds or misbehaves he gets a ticket. This is a fairly rare event though. And how are you supposed to get a car from one stage to the next?
“The local police are notified and some don’t like…
Totally agree.
Privatization can backfire, though. The UK is having to essentially re-nationalize their network after privatizing in the 1990s. They need to because, while there’s nice new rolling stock all around, services have been deteriorating and prices have been going up much higher than inflation.