The trick is to cut the whole back end off:
The trick is to cut the whole back end off:
Woah, woah, woah. First you pick on one tech billionaire and his revolutionary cars, now you’re picking on another tech billionaire and his revolutionary rocketplanething? What’s next, you’re going to tell us Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates aren’t veritable gods amongst men?
The Lotus Elise’s front clamshell. Essentially, all of the bodywork fore the A-pillar is one big piece. A crack in that clamshell can total the entire vehicle. It is difficult to remove, expensive to paint, and incredibly labor intensive to re-install. R&T ran a story in 2018 about a guy who bought one with a salvage…
Tesla’s delays are mostly manufactured by Tesla itself.
5th Gear: As fun as drone drop could be, I really hope it doesn’t become a reality simply for the reason stated. Hearing 1 LLV, a UPS, Amazon, and Fedex truck a day is fine. Having drones and other noise makers buzzing around at all hours of the day would get old really quick. Noise pollution is already bad enough, we…
I can never tell if pictures of the Silverado are actually a photoshop mocking the Silverado.
The problem is that this is completely on trend.
Into the Breach is incredible, but I wouldn’t call it an RTS at all.
idk, man. Porsche did a pretty nice job with the Taycan. I find it very compelling. I’d rather have it than a Panamera. That’s the only EV that seems interesting to me though. I otherwise agree with you.
Clearly not a man to let the lawyer he hired tell him what to do on the witness stand. If I didn’t think the guy was insufferable before, Jesus Christ. Trying to pull the “I’m saving the world what are you doing” act in open court like that’s some sort of “get out of jail free" card. Listen to your counsel and shut…
Congrats to Mr. Musk, I did not believe it was possible for him to break his own “being an insufferable douche” record, but this deposition shows that he still has space to grow.
Does anybody actually *like* exclusives? I don’t mean the games themselves—I enjoy the Halos, and Horizons, and Smashes, etc—but I mean *likes* the idea of others not getting to play something. Like they hear X is an exclusive and go “haha, take THAT suckers” like they beat someone at...something.
Oooo maybe they’ll add in a teleporting law enforcement system, it’d certainly fit the Witcher universe better!
Don’t care....just hope one developer with a good sense of humor programmed Mazepin to spin at random.
BMW and Mercedes bikes were just rebadged from actual bike manufacturers. Honda’s DH bike on the other hand was a masterpiece of engineering.
The main reason I will never buy a Hyundai is that I worry about ticking the wrong option boxes,
curtailing the filibuster