Out, but with a W - has found the answer

You should take it to Hollywood! I’ve heard Pixar is looking for new ideas.

Technology downsizing means we’ll eventually end up with this

You’re assuming the computer has infallible sensors and perfect knowledge of the environment, which is not the case in practice. Internal data (velocity, slip angle, ...) is easily read out, but detecting and correctly identifying foreign objects, non-standard situations etc. is far from straightforward. Current

Don’t forget the upshift farts!

You should check out Ûbèr, the French movie that kickstarted the whole business.

Now playing

Would’ve been more impressive had he used a Mini.

Indeed. One of the main driving forces for innovation and growth is having the possibility to explore moonshots. All of this sounds like they’re trying to consolidate, which might signal it’s Google’s time to head down the cliff and follow the likes of Apple in the early 90s and Microsoft in the 2000s.

In a perfect world, a vehicle equipped with such a system wouldn’t need any hard armor. The incoming artillery shells, missiles, and rocket-propelled grenades would never even touch the vehicle.

What bollocks! What vanity! Get an old Jeep and take the extra money and do some good in the world you insufferable bloody sod.

You forgot this

I’m guessing they’ll want to come up with some sort of harmless AI to govern this. Does anyone know what Skynet is up to these days?

It looks like some Cats were hurt during the making of this video.

Nah, it was absolutely amazing stuff, but it would’ve been better had the fights been for position at the front. It’s always a case of what-if I guess.

Great action across the grid, too bad most of it are recovery drives. On a related note: has anyone seen Rosberg?

I’m not really discussing the merits of this plan, but rather correcting the statement that this will leapfrog fiber. I’m personally a huge fan of mobile and wireless, but I’m also aware of its limitations.