
I feel you. I was at the LA protest. It had a bit of a carnival atmosphere. There were food trucks, music, it reminded me more of an outdoor concert. I also found it frustrating that I couldn’t really get any good chants going. Despite having a large group with me none of them really caught on, a change from most of

Yeah, you really can. But she is a great singer.

Imagine how disappointed Jones will be when he learns that his conspiracy theories aren’t true.

Lips is a drag club in San Diego. Please tell me it is a drag club in NYC.

Omg they make it sound like she is responsible for all crime in Crenshaw. Which is not that bad btw.

My sunglasses are prescription and sometimes I’ll forget my regular glasses, or its just not worth it to put them on.

I’m going to vote against this, but I’ll still shop at Out of the Closet. Sorry guys.

I’m so tired. So very very tired.

Damn, I’d wear the shit out of a jeweled caftan.

I’m always reading about celebs renting amazing houses. But doesn’t Angelina already have an LA house? Am I crazy?

I literally, LITERALLY, watched a mustang get into a crash last night. I don’t have video of it though.

Holy shit Poldark is back? I got some watching to do.

You win today.

I set up a bullet journal two weeks ago, but I’m having a hard time using it to truly plan. I like my calendar app for planning out the year, and, to be honest, I need the 6am -10pm slots to plan out my schedule.

I dunno. I started law school handwriting all of my notes, then I switched to having a laptop because I felt like I couldn’t write quickly enough to keep up with the professors. I think things evened out after my first year. I think most of it comes down to the student. What their learning style is like and which

I’ve never seen that kanye video before. It’s . . . . problems.

Awwww I love you. Also where can I get some kosher clown?

I know! It’s amazing and pretty non-drying for as matte and non moving as it is. I think i have Firey . . .

I know! It’s amazing and pretty non-drying for as matte and non moving as it is. I think i have Firey . . .

I’m really loving Stila’s long lasting matte lipstick whatever stuff, I can’t remember the name. I got a Birchbox sample and it’s amazing!

I’m really loving Stila’s long lasting matte lipstick whatever stuff, I can’t remember the name. I got a Birchbox

I shouldn’t hate . . . considering I bought lucky incense at my local voodoo store. But that was only $2.50! You know these stones are like $300 ea.