
Prisons are dehumanizing, they are a human rights violation. Nothing in our prison system does anything to “rehabilitate.” They disproportionately affect communities of color. Fuck prisons. And just FYI there is nothing you can say that will change my mind.

No we need to get rid of prisons period. 

I binge watched all of Lost Girl, the first season of Wynonna Earp and all of the Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries while I was stuyding for the bar exam. Most of that I had to rewatch later because I didn’t retain much, but i got the jist. I like having something on in the background. 

It was not that great. So you’re not missing much. I was strictly no AUs for a while but the Reylo fandom is pretty much just AUs right now. There is an amazing old west AU called “The Trail Bride” that was great. AUs when well written and (fairly) close to in character can be great. 

I literally just read a Reylo HS AU yesterday. It was meh. But still fun. I love fanfiction. Its such a weird yet satisfying area of the internet.

I love how consistently uncomfortable Adam Driver always looks. He always looks miserable doing press. I don’t think he means to be a sad sack, but it’s still funny. 

The clothes closet is ROUGH, it has UGLY stuff. I don’t even care that they’ve hired a stylist. 

At this point I’d only call the cops if I heard gun shots, and even then I’d probably want to see someone bleeding first.

Fan of the kitten heels here. When you need to wear them for work it’s better when they’re smaller.

I feel like this is just extreme dgaf.

I had someone at supercuts give me short layers, which with curly hair means a christmas tree shaped afro.

I remember that episode too! It’s so weird looking back. I’m not gonna lie, I usually listen to CR when I’m getting ready in the morning and I just don’t pay that much attention to it! Especially when they are doing bits or talking about themselves. I wish I’d put more thought into it. Maybe I’d have stopped sooner.

They had spoken and had a relationship beyond just that night.

She said in a private facebook group that he isolated her from her friends and even picked out her apartment. I think it was very emotionally manipulative, a touch predatory. I think the outrage comes Fromm the fact that he was such a strong ally who abused the trust he was given.

I feel you. I never donated more than $5 a month, but I did that for a few years. I just got sick of the begging for money. It seemed like I was struggling either in school or at my shitty job and Jamie was doing mma or improv or music or whatever. Alison usually was trying to report on stuff, but still it was

I’m gonna tell the next guy who asks me for nudes this. Sorry, but posing topless means I’ll lose my feminist card. Betty Friedan rises from the grave comes to my house and rips it up.

Money is complicated. The are you “rich” or “poor” is a false dichotomy. Inoperableheart has declared that a person who went to Europe must be wealthy. I have a friend who went to Europe with her mom, and camped the whole time so they could afford it. I don’t think they were wealthy.

They’re kids doing ridiculous crap they think is funny. I did the same stuff too, no big deal.

Do you remember when we used to chuckle at wealthy dictators in foreign countries who conducted state business in their opulent mansions?

I didn’t think the OLC approved this executive order? Or am I just misremembering an article?