It's a shame your gawker overlords overlooked this, but I'm glad it's seeing the light now. . . I need to catch up on spn. I gave up after the leviathans but I did enjoy the very meta and gay musical episode.
It's a shame your gawker overlords overlooked this, but I'm glad it's seeing the light now. . . I need to catch up on spn. I gave up after the leviathans but I did enjoy the very meta and gay musical episode.
Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti are super nice. I hope they had fun.
Sold out. I’m so sad! I love these things.
Sold out. I’m so sad! I love these things.
My neighborhood is like a warzone right now, there are so many fireworks. I’m not very anti-firework, but inner city los angeles and there is a drought, and I’m supposed to be studying for the bar exam. So it’s putting me in a bad mood.
Where else does one keep their cocaine? I believe it’s all covered in the 5th chapter of Emily Post.
I’m so east side . . . I haven’t made it to WeHo in like 2 years. . .
I would like to point out a few things.
I swear I’ve heard either a case or a hypo like this in crim law . . . something about seeing the defendant smirk about what they’ve done to a victim and it totally trigger’s a member of a victim’s family. Ugh, I don’t remember the exact facts, but I think this kind of thing happens more often that we’d like.
When a company goes into the liqudiation, essentially the liquidators “own” the store stock, and now run the show. When my store, Borders, liquidated, people were upset that things were only 10-20% off when we typically had 30-40% off coupon floating around. Its not the store’s show anymore, it’s the liquidator.
No! It’s cute when kids do it.
I don't love Castro, or the kardashians, but if I ever got a chance to visit a communist (or formerly communist) country I'd pose in front of a ton of weird statues too. Although I may not post them all on insta . . .
There used to be New and Recycled Romances in Costa Mesa, Ca which is apparently a general use bookstore now.
Taylor is basically just my sister and her friends, ok.
what the shit!!!!!!!!!
My dad is a boomer, but on the whole is very with it, computer savvy etc. He has been making some incredibly inciteful millennial commentary lately. The one that comes to mind now is about telecommuting and time shifting. Essentially he says that the flexibility which allows one to work anytime or any place also means…
Consider limiting yourself to 30 pieces of clothing, or 30 books
Well the price above is for a 12 ft by 12 ft piece, which is pretty large but how much is a slab? I figured a slab of marble had to be pretty big right?
Kim I got you. Here is a link to the marble. It is $49,000 or a year of tuition at my law school. Kim bought 10 slabs, that is 3.333 lawyers worth of marble.
This just made my non-holiday monday.
Ugh, no. I hated it. Once they got to the one on one battle between Lysistrata and Chi-raq I just couldn’t anymore.