
This site is weird, I'm on there. But my address from the dorm I lived in . . in 2005. None of my newer addresses have showed up. Or any of the one's I've registered to vote at, and those are public record. Also I guess there are about a couple thousand people with my name. Go creative parents.

It's actually like this "Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering"

this reminds me I need to watch Castle, well and more Firefly.

omg, this!

10 to 1 that is what they call their catholic plaid skirts. (There is an actual technical uniform difference between "skirts" and what looks like a skirt but isn't "kilts"). Also 10 to 1 some dirty girls are shortening them because THAT IS WHAT CATHOLIC SCHOOL GIRLS HAVE BEEN DOING SINCE THE DAWN OF TIME. I love how

Now playing

This is all I could think of when I listened to that.

The vibe I got from his speech was "Wow guys, we wrote a bill that pissed of my wife (in this story she is proxy for all women) and I couldn't get laid! Isn't that funny and kinda self-depricating?! While asserting that the guys who made up this bill are dumbasses." But he sucks at the funny so it just came off as

Thank you so much for sharing.

Yeah, I'm enjoying the snark and I love me some republican bashing, but this is stepping into the bad taste category. But on the flip side I love having bad taste (see blue eyeshadow) so I'll just relish in the fact that I'm a bad person.

When Iwas working at Borders he came to sign his book. Some touchy-feely nonsense. ([]) essentially it was just online hipsters talk about philosophy 101. Anyway. He wasn't rude to anyone on staff, and he wasn't that bad. But he just seemed SO full of himself. And he brought a crew of 20 yr old hipsters

Obama can come steal me anytime. . . . .

Theology is the study of God, typically the Christian one. (There is some debate but that's really the vernacular). *le sigh*

I'd go with you, but I'm 99% sure he is no where near LA today.

Oh shit, I have three! I wonder if I'd get run out of town.

1. I'm pretty sure the "slutty" girls infected with sti's aren't getting it from the dudes at Pride Week. 2. I think I'll masturbate twice as much today for you blue shirt.

Ah Pin-Ups the compliated art form that takes up far too much of time. (I work at a comic art bookstore that arguably specialized in pin-ups [it's really not everything we do, but it does show up alot]) Just a heads up this is totally TL:DR but since this argument pops up in the store at least twice a month I've got a

You know, I'd prefer if all of these awful church dudes would just vanish off the face of the earth, or at least pay taxes if they're going to use their money to influence legislature. But I understand that we have freedom of religion and I respect other people enough that they should be allowed to believe what they

It needed to be added.

Oh I imagined some sort of Looney Toons-esque situation. Still awful though.

This isn't even a pro-choice issue, it's a don't spam me issue. If you have a newsletter and someone asks to be removed and you don't remove them, you're a dick. In my mind you move from newsletter writer to Prince of Nigeria. That is just bad internet etiquette.