
Seriously what the fuck?!?!? You can't tie a dog to the roof of a car!?! That's insane!!

And I want womanpriests and to be able to go back to mass without feeling like a pro-choice harlot. *plays worlds smallest violin*

I know why he earned that title, it's just that, god he's awful.

I might actually feel bad for a guy who's last name means "the frothy mix of lube and fecal matter that results from anal sex." but then he opens his mouth and that feeling vanishes.

I'm kinda glad all this happened. Komen always bugged me as being at the forefront of pinkwashing. Which pisses me off. I've always said that "Find the Cure" has become a cottage industry and not really an effective use of money. More people suffer from AIDS or Diabetes or Heart disease and the money would be better

Yeah, not news at all. My sister's HS banned the skirts about two years before she started for just that reason. Its really not new.

Representin' my hometown! Thanks dude!

FFF on TR is arguably the funniest thing on the internet any given friday. It's mindblowing.

Omg, I just went over there. I don't totally hate her style. I get what she's going for, high fashion hipster. I live in LA so I understand those people. The weird thing is though is you're totall right about her hair, she needs a brush and a hot oil treatment. BUT her style AND HAIR is EXACTLY like my sister's who is

Oh shit! I knew I'd heard that name before! That guy is a dick!

I'm obsessed with Stella by Stella McCartney. It's very floral (in fact the main note is Rose) but it is very clean and modern. I love rose, and I'll wear just a straight rose oil scent. But whenever I do I get comments that I smell like an old lady. The Stella gives me all the rose I want but still smells like a

Hey! I belong to women's lib but I shave my beard!

Ann is Katara?! Her?! *mind blown*

Don't feel bad, I read "Naomi Wolf' Vagina will TEAR this year" ouch!

I like it too. Even though I roll my eyes at the racism and some of the hokey-er jokes. I enjoy seeing two women who spend a whole episode not talking about a guy. I love seeing young women who aren't rich for absolutely no reason. (Even though they do have the coolest apt ever) and I love Kat Dennings. I have such a

I wish I was in your grad program. I would start so many problems for this guy.

I hate this. So often Lady Mags and online Lady Mags (Hairpin and Xojane and sometimes Jez) have this bizarre standard of living that we're supposed to be able to access. It's weird. I really don't understand how there can be so many young women in their 20's writing up this image of a young hot single go-getter in

mep mep! I am a robot designed to run for office. *saxaphone solo* No new Taxes *humanizing Anecdote*

I feel stupider for having read those. At first it was fun to laugh at, but then it just got gross.

No she's pledging . . . something greek. I know each sorority is different and each chapter is different, blah blah blah. I just don't want her to be caught in a super peer pressure situation where all of this stuff is normalized. I just want to keep the communications pathways open. As long as she is enjoying herself