
Well, that was a fun break. We now return to FUCK 2020, already in progress.

She assassinated her own character by her tireless public service? Or by not pretending to conform to your idea of how a woman should behave?

It only took that long, plus 250,000 needless deaths AND a lost election to start using the word “lie.”

this is why Chuck and Nancy and Bernie and the Clintons et al. need to be retired; their 20th century diplomacy and idealism are just not suited for this point in the country’s history. The GOP has shown an absolute willingness to assert its power whenever possible, to obstruct any legislation unless they get their

Say what you will about Hillary Clinton, she had Trump nailed for exactly what he is. Unfortunately, a gleeful 25 year long campaign of character assassination against her made most Americans not pay attention.

It’s NEVER ‘done.’ An election means nothing is ‘over’ and we SHOULDN’T ‘breathe’. We need to keep fighting.

I think most people who have pointed out right-wing fascist tendencies growing since the Bush years can now feel thoroughly vindicated in saying “I told you so”.

All the “you’re being alarmist, what will you do when a REAL fascist shows up?” people – the whole half-of-an-electorate of them –have proven conclusively

Here’s the barometer I use re: this - if I asked someone I politically disagree with why he/she voted for Presdient Bush or Preident Reagan (or Dole or Romney or McCain), his/her answers probably would not disgust me, and I could probably, if not agree, at least SEE these points from their point of view.

But with Trump, shit, you’d have to be crazy not to make fun of him.”

It’s almost like the hair-tousling and subsequent toothless mockery of a wannabe-fascist monster who has done everything possible to destroy our democracy and its institutions and is largely responsible for the unnecessary deaths of over 200,000 Americans (including my father) might not have been the best comedic appro

Yeah, like, fuck fascists in general, but did we have to choose the most obnoxious one alive? It’s never going to be pleasant watching the world burn, but it didn’t have to be this annoying either

Yeah. That’s a disability. I’m getting so that I just can’t stand that voice. I can’t even stand it when people are making fun of it anymore. Just no more.

I like Charlie Hunnam, but Russel Brand was perfect for that roll. He was great when he reprised it in Get Him to the Greek as well. I think if Charlie had taken that roll, it wouldn’t have been nearly as good.

This reminds me of Chidi’s mental breakdown chili that he makes on The Good Place.  “You put the Peeps in the chili pot and add some M&Ms!”

I have two older children with chronic and severe ADHD and other executive functioning disorders. All I can say to you is that you don’t know what you’re talking about. Yes, a person with severely screwed-up brain chemistry, to the point of mental illness, can CERTAINLY manage themselves if they’re sufficiently self

Physical media.

AKA Why, if I really like something and it’s available I buy it in DVD (now Blue Ray).

I don’t give a shit if he’s right or wrong about lateness. “Dr.” Phil is a shitbag who revels in humiliating others for entertainment. He’s a toxic lump of southern-fried garbage and no one should ever have to hear another word from him again. Anyone mentioning his name in public without dragging him like a legless

*waves in ADHD, undiagnosed until mid-thirties*

The blind squirrel found a nut today.