
The ending absolutely enraged me. But I read it in like 2 days so ultimately, I'm probably glad that I read it because it didn't take much time and I can join in when people talk about it.

After what happened to Bran and then Robb and Cat, I really didn't feel at all bad for her having to watch her son die. She is a character I've had sympathy for in past episodes, but in this one they really focused on her bad qualities. Also, not to be pedantic, but she and Jaime have a younger son, Tommen.

I also found Arya murdering Poliver really upsetting. I get why people enjoyed that moment but I thought it was incredibly sad to see how calm she was putting that sword through him. Joffrey and Cersei I didn't feel bad for, I just got freaked out by how good the blood dripping out of his nose and the shades of purple

Considering the racism thrown into some of these tweets, I seriously doubt these kids are staging a protest against racial profiling and harassment.

I can't think of an award that matters less than one from MTV and you're going to bitch that someone who died was given it instead of you? Judging the shit out of that.

Seriously. I thought if there was any character death I could gleefully watch it would be Joff, but I had to do some of covering of my eyes, watching through fingers.

For all the Joffrey hate, which I fully join in on, it's a shame that we (supposedly) won't be seeing Jack Gleeson again. He was absolutely incredible in that role. It can't be easy being that young and playing a character so reviled, and all the people who work with him have only the nicest things to say about him. I

Thinking you were going to have Sour Patch Kids and then not having them is definitely a problem.

You guys. You guys. This was literally the happiest I've been in weeks. And I've been so depressed lately that I'm completely overwhelmed by actually being happy about something that I've been tearing up over it all day long. If Liverpool actually pull this off and win the title I'll be a blubbering mess. Also, I

Don't be sorry! It's always good to hear that other people made it out of their tough situations.

Thanks. And I'm glad everything worked out for you. As a single unemployed person I'm completely terrified, it must be so much harder with a wee one to take care of.

That's such a nice offer. Thank you.


Well, I sure wish I knew what the hiring managers at the jobs I'm applying for did fucking pay attention to because apparently the fact that I've had two jobs as an office manager, a job as a fundraiser for my university and worked (albeit for free) as the editor-in-chief of my grad program's academic journal doesn't

Thanks. It's just such a nightmare. I've been out of work for a year and only gotten 2 interviews this entire time. And one was a phone interview. They were going to bring me in for a follow up and then they hired someone from within the company.

So I've stopped even applying for jobs. Besides being tired of sending applications out into the world and never hearing a word back, I feel like such shit about myself that I just can't it together to write a decent cover letter. Getting a job would probably alleviate my depression somewhat, but I have no idea how to

I'm not sure when Emma Stone wasn't her elegant self (or at least her cool self) but that yellow gown has to be one of the best things anybody has ever worn.

The Republican thing doesn't thrill me, but I do have friends who are Republicans, so I didn't want to hate on him too much for that. But I did not know he was close friends with Mel Gibson and that is a fucking deal breaker.

I'm not looking to argue either but this can be polite, respectful debate. I'm 30 and nowhere near ready to get married. But that's just my experience. I know several couples who got married in their early 20s, all of whom had been with their partners between 5 - 10 years and who are all in their 30s now and still

I'd go with a nice apartment. Not necessarily a big one, but a good location, really well decorated - that would be my heaven. But yeah, I think the point is we all have stuff that we either splurge on or would splurge on if we could.