
You forgot to include the most important piece of information. Joshua Jackson accompanied Diane to the Dalai Lama meeting.

I have to disagree. You can learn vocabulary that way but personally, I could never ever teach myself math. I'm capable of doing really well with math but I need it explained to me very precisely. I can't learn it in a classroom with 30 other people and I definitely can't learn it by reading a prep book. When I first

I'm really good at something so obviously anybody who isn't good at that thing is totally worthless!

It's one thing if you're talking, like he is, about acoustic music, especially if it's like 11pm or midnight. But I have a friend in Inwood and people drive around the block blasting their car radios at 2, 3 and 4am. That's not cool. And don't tell me there aren't families with young kids and people who have to get up

Agree that the movie is quasi-paternalistic, quasi-romantic but based on what this guy said to his intern, that doesn't seem to define the relationship the article is actually about. And Bill Murray isn't super creepy in it. And Scarlet's character is also married. Pretty much aside from the May-December aspect this

I realize this is beside the point but why is Lost in Translation the photograph here?

I don't think it's a spoiler in the same way that telling someone what happened on last night's episode of (insert trend show here), but if someone is reading a book it's a dick move to blurt out the ending.

People aren't directing hate at J-Law over this, they're calling out David O. Russell for saying some stupid shit.

I find it similar to if a man whips out his penis and start to pee.

The Fighting in the War Room podcast folks all said very good things about it. I haven't seen the movie yet but that's about as solid a rec as I can imagine.

I think you're thinking of this. I'm watching this. Much as it would be nice to be able to multitask, I think a lot of the film would go over my head. With the Turkish and all :-)

Not even Oscar voters see all the movies, so why should the general public? People watch to see the dresses or because they like the host or someone they want to see like J-Law or Leo is nominated. And the awards are based just as much, if not more, on who the Academy likes and thinks is good for business, than on

The worst. Usually the more distance I have after a film the more I can find to appreciate it but American Hustle gets worse the more I think about it.

It's ridiculous that Llewyn Davis and Oscar Isaac didn't get nominated.

I know some people are equipped to handle that many movies and not have their brains short circuit but for the life of me I don't know how they manage that many movies back-to-back, especially since Oscar movies are usually so heavy in tone. A theater near me did a marathon for the Cornetto trilogy and by the time The

I'm trying to watch Once Upon a Time in Anatolia and I'm interested in what's happening and it's beautifully shot and I need to watch it tonight because it's getting removed from Netflix tomorrow so why the fuck am I pausing it every 10 minutes to do other shit? My brain pisses me off sometimes. Anybody successfully

Yeah, being grumpy with tourists who block the sidewalk and subway exits when you have to get someplace is way worse than supporting legalized discrimination.

This and the Julianne Moore paragraph. Nearly indecipherable.

That ship has sailed. Ryan Gosling has been a legitimate thing since 2004. He has romantic movie leading man cred, indie movie Oscar nominee cred, and pop culture Hey Girl cred. It's one thing to not get his appeal, but there's no use pretending that he's not an established star.

You'll have no problem appreciating the nature. Iceland was unlike anything else I've ever experienced, it was like being on another planet.