
I'm peacing out now because I'm not in a head space to have a discussion with someone who thinks it's ok to force their desires onto another person's body. It's a disgusting violation of human rights and I genuinely can't have a conversation with someone who thinks it is ever okay to put another person through that

1. I really don't understand how you think this system will magically exempt women who have been abused or raped. Whether you believe it should or not, a system like this would further disadvantage some of the most vulnerable members of society.

Like i said, my proposal carries difficult questions. I don't want to get too bogged down in the instances of rape

So the woman would have to prove she'd been raped? What if she chose not to report it? Then a month - 2 months later she finds out she's pregnant and there's no evidence. Or for abused women, having to offer proof that you've been battered and then waiting for someone else to decide whether that proof is substantial

You have never walked down a street seen a person and worried that her first thought was that you might be a rapist.

One of the biggest issues with the father having the right to have a vote in whether a woman will get an abortion or not is that would give rapists and abusers a way to further control the women they've already harmed. There are already too many states where rapists have parental rights. It should be criminal to force

It's crazy to me how many seemingly decent men I've met who believe that women are running around making false rape accusations constantly. My college boyfriend who at the time was the only person in the world I'd trusted enough to tell that for years as a kid I'd been sexually abused, would bring up "but women make

The OP made a statement that was, let's call it naive, and when responses explained why the comment displayed a lack of understanding, instead of being able to accept the criticism and have a dialogue, equated some of the reasonable responses with being venomously attacked. Nobody (or at least very few) people here

I had no idea! NO IDEA! The ep previous to the Red Wedding I watched with a friend who hadn't seen the show before. I started weeping when the Hound told Arya he was taking her to her mother and my friend was like "what the fuck is wrong with you?" and I was like "something terrible is going to happen but I don't know

Toys like this always baffle me a little. Are they to help teach responsibility? Is it that kids want to imitate their parents so they're given fake versions of the stuff their parents have to use? It has just always seemed weird to give kids pretend chores when you could give them age appropriate real ones. Well, as

Break my heart why dontchya Michelle Fairley. I've heard that the commentary track she did for the Red Wedding episode is particularly heartrending.

It's great to say that we should all be invested in protecting rights for everybody, but your original comment ignores (or at best drastically oversimplifies) the histories of oppression. It's like people who say they are colorblind. Don't ignore or gloss over the facts of different groups different experiences of

This always. But also her new book, The Goldfinch. I haven't read it myself yet but everyone is raving about it. As a broke person who would love to get a nice hardback edition, that would be top of my gift wishlist.

Seems like a good way to handle the situation. I hope you get some sleep soon.

I'm slightly concerned that this could get out of hand. On the other hand, a Supernatural gif party somehow seems like an appropriate pre-Christmas thing to happen.

Well played.

That's great you were able to explain to her in a way that made sense. You'd think saying something along those lines would be enough, but there was a Jezebel post about this a few weeks back and so many people were arguing that they're not offended if someone wishes them a Happy Hanukkah and wishing someone a Merry

I'm the biggest wuss ever and I had to power through the first 2 or 3 seasons knowing I was going to constantly be creeped out (I actually had to remove a mirror from my bedroom because of that show) but once it gets into later seasons it's really not scary anymore.

So I couldn't figure out who the 3rd girl was until the license plate. HOLY SHIT! AMAZING!