
Because let's hate on everything! Even totally innocuous not at all offensive things! I have no idea what's objectionable about storing things in a pretty container. If I had storage needs I'd way rather get a mason jar, which looks nice and will last, than...I don't know? Ziploc plastic containers?

Oh I'm sure some people do think it's so so good. For me, the characters didn't connect on an emotional level the same way as in THG and the Divergent version of the future wasn't as dire or compelling.

If you're interested you should just read them. I thought they were subpar and only became popular in the wake of THG withdrawal, but a lot of people really like them. And at the end of the day, the only way you're going to know if you like a book is to read the book, no? At the very least, it doesn't take long to get

Josh Hutcherson > men who are not Josh Hutcherson*

This series would probably not annoy you on that count. They have a pretty straightforward relationship, which fits organically with the plot.

It makes more sense in the context of the rest of the story. Long story short he's defying the societal structure which demands that their citizens belong to only one faction, by getting the symbols for all the factions tattooed.

If you're looking for something with no love interest, this series (obviously) isn't going to fit the bill. But there isn't a love triangle and they do get together relatively early, so there isn't a will they won't they. They're both interesting characters, so I never felt like Four was there just because they had to

SPOILERISH: This makes sense. Tris and Four are super into each other in the books. By the 3rd one it's sometimes their physical attraction more than anything else that keeps them together.

Yeah, it's a movie of thinly written characters and mostly upholds the idea that only a certain type of woman is attractive. But that still doesn't have any bearing on what I said about Thatcher, and even though I completely agree that she shouldn't be undermined because of her gender but because she was the fucking

You seem to think I'm negatively responding to you in some way. I'm not. Just the duck guy.

But I wasn't commenting on the movie calling her a saucy minx, I was saying that I don't give a flying fuck about speaking ill of her just because she's dead. Lindy literally said "Does Maggie T. not get enough shit!?!??!" and fuck that because if this woman was alive and in politic today Jezebel would (rightly) be

Uh yeah, I got the joke.

If there is any place where Hiddles is never off topic it's on Jezebel. I love that movie. Not just my pretend boyfriend but my favorite actress Rachel!

They can keep their transformative romantic experiences! I have my Hiddles movies and my wine!

Nobody answered you? If you're referring to the one where he is dancing in scrubs it is very real. It's from Only Lovers Left Alive (a Jarmusch film with Tom and Tilda Swinton) which they are torturing us by continuing to withhold.

Because Jesus! And ewww!

I "love" that quote. Because as a straight woman, a penis is more desirable than a vagina. But what the everloving fuck should that have to do with what anybody else desires?

Gotta love how getting called out for saying something grossly homophobic = having your rights taken away. Yes, getting called a dick and having your TV show taken off the air is a serious violation of rights. Someone call the ACLU!!

We'll have to agree to disagree. But I find it's a disturbing trend on Jezebel that any romantic feelings that aren't reciprocal have people talking about how creepy it is. It cropped up a lot in the Hunger Games discussions a few weeks back, but there have been quite a few discussions where people get close to

He never tries to impose himself on her in any way. There's nothing to suggest he plans to try to come between her and her husband. He only confesses his feelings because she unexpectedly turns up and plays the video, and he decides to explain himself. Then he deals with his feelings and gets over her and meets