
You said his joke was okay because "nobody finds rape acceptable." A lot of fucking people find it acceptable. Even those who might not themselves be rapists think it's okay to stand in defense of rapists or even help cover up their crimes. And when nice, normal, non-rapists make "jokes" like Martin's it piles on to

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Let's keep JGL as Nathan Detroit and get Jeremy Renner in as Skye. I mean, come on!

No one finds rape acceptable.

Hasn't he also said some shitty things about the idea of a woman playing Watson on Elementary? Off to Google.

Haha that is so funny Megyn I am just laughing so hard at your bullshit.

I can definitely see what you mean about the old fashioned stardom. He's so talented and absurdly handsome, and he's got that slightly mysterious, unaccessible thing happening. It's great that he got clean and seems to be doing well.

Haha, I've seen that and that is like what 85% of my opinion is based on (the rest being based on In Bruge)!

Colin Farrell seems so enjoyable these days!

As an unemployed person in my late 20s, this is my response to the person asking the second question. It's not like it might be difficult for the BF's friends to be jobless and not able to afford to move out.

But does she PubMed?

I love the velociraptor impression. I was so obsessed with those things when Jurassic Park came out. We would be so good together Tom! We both love velociraptors! What more does a relationship need? :-P

I do like that one (frankly anything that's Tom chatting for an hour is great), but Zachary Levi really grates on me, so I'm less fond of that one.

Are they though? Are they really?

It's nice to see people being made happy at Christmas, but I'd have liked to see what they'd have done about my wish list. It currently includes: a job, the financial and mental stability to move out of my mother's house, and a brief hiatus in the publishing industry so that I can read the hundreds of books I've been

He should be stopped immediately :-)

Ugh do I want to? Or will it just make me angry at how hateful people can be for absolutely fuck all reasons?

Haha. In that case he's a dangerous individual and every moment he's loose in the world (and not, say, here in bed with me) we are all at risk.

That person is making less than no sense. Also, can I sit with you at the Jews who don't like Adam Levine and don't feel like we have to automatically like anyone who is even nominally Jewish, table?

I applaud your ability to prioritize what's really important.