
I'm not a parent, just had lots of childcare experience, including being a nanny to a 3 year old with pretty bad anger issues. I've found that even with extremely angry kids, time outs can be useful, but it's incredibly frustrating to get to the point where they work. The little boy I worked with would scream, and run

So many things in this Dirt Bag make me so happy. Drew Barrymore baby! Hopefully lots more Faris-Pratt babies! Kristen Wiig and Fab Moretti back together! So much happy. And then I realize I'm overly invested in the the lives of people I don't know and I get kind of sad.

Damn, these women have such high standards. They want a man who doesn't open the conversation with racist remarks and can pay for his own slice of pizza? These are some out of control bitches.

Of course preferences can fluctuate or alter or people can try to hide their sexuality, but a (girl) friend of mine got with him a few times back in the day.

Those dance moves are going to come in handy at our wedding Tom!

A Brazilian who has done in depth research on the conditions of sex workers in your country? I'm genuinely not trying to be a douche here, and I understand that as an outsider I can't speak from personal experience, but I also know that living in a place doesn't necessarily give you insight into criminal activity. I

You're so sure that the people being forced into sexual slavery were never forced into sex work in the country? Like I said, where are you getting your information from?

I'm not sure where you are getting your information from

I'm an unmarried atheist who would maybe want to get married one day if the right person came along, or maybe just have a partner, or maybe enjoy my spinsterhood, we'll see how it shakes out. I think defining marriage solely as an institution that somehow grants you permission to have sex is at best, a

Because being a prostitute is legal in Brazil but paying for one isn't. Also, just because it's legal doesn't mean that sex trafficking isn't happening. Also, that kid is a little shit and this seems like more evidence of his shittiness so people want to talk about it.

I try not to delve too deeply into my father's more regressive views, but I think the answer here is sexism.

I hadn't really left the U.S. before my junior year of college. I'd been to Israel in high school. But once I was more of an adult and started working it got easier to travel, and then I went to grad school in the UK and that made it super easy to travel. Sounds like you're well on your way!!

I flew Iceland air to London one time and they always make a stop over in Reykjavik so it was like a free overnight (except for the part where I spent SO much money there because I didn't bother to check the exchange rate). I did the Golden Circle and went to the hot springs. I've been dying to go back ever since,

1. Congrats on what sounds like a very successful purchase! I've been thinking of getting one myself since I'm living with my mother at the moment and not in the head space to be dating.

You sound like me. I've been out of work for 7 months and I can't do any job that requires being on my feet, which takes a hell of a lot of jobs off the table. And I get really depressed with nothing to do all day long, which just makes it 1000 x more difficult to apply for jobs.

Wherever you decide to go will be awesome, so don't stress yourself out too much about the decision. I absolutely love Germany and the UK (only been to France briefly a long time ago but I enjoyed it and everyone I know loves it). Getting around Germany, Berlin and Munich at least, was very easy with English and the

That's horrible. Sorry you went through that. Can't blame you for your feelings about your uncle. I don't talk to my dad much.

Even though I highly doubt that she only eats chocolate and never exercises, I buy that she doesn't follow super strict dietary restrictions or works out for hours a day. She's young, she obviously got lucky with the gene pool - she might not have to be overly conscious of diet and exercise yet. Friends of mine from

Ugh! My dad's favorite thing to do when he sees me every few months is conspicuously look me up and down and then tell me whether he thinks I look ok or too fat (I never look good, obviously, and of course focusing on my actual life and not my weight is a no-go as well).

In part, but it has been my experience that Scottish weather is way worse that PNW weather. Way worse!