
I love the adorable awkwardness! And points to the guy who said that they're important for "consensual love."

I've been waiting and waiting for this movie, since they released some stills a while black. An English period piece that admits that POC existed!!!

If she isn't playing at least 2 characters on Pars and Rec I'll be sorely disappointed.

Yeah, at the beginning of the show I didn't like Skylar because she was written pretty poorly, and her defining trait seemed to be that she was insensitive to her husband's wishes about how to handle his terminal illness. I liked her way more as the series went on and she learned what was going on and started making

If there is anybody out there who hates Tami Taylor, I never want to hear of it.

I barely know who Chris Evans is (I think he's an Avenger but I'm never sure). Are we really at a point where a kind of random actor's not famous brother is somehow celebrity news?

Right? I find it very strange that people are making such a big deal over this. I guess because it was a very highly publicized casting process and absolutely everybody has an opinion about the book/movie. But there are last minute casting changes all the time. It's not even that rare to make changes after a movie has

Sounds like we have quite similar situations. My dad remarried into a larger family and I get along with them but I'd never count on them to be there for me on anything important. But yeah, I see where you are coming from. It would be nice to have someone to who is there for you and can help you out when things are

YES! My last bf was a complete asshole who went out of his way to make sure I understood that he was too good for me and his family and friends agreed that he could do better. And he tried to guilt me into wanting to get engaged because he thought it would be good for his career, even though we were fucking 20 and 21

It's not that. I'm essentially an only child with almost no family and I really deeply wish I were less alone in the world. It's that my last serious relationship was a nightmare, and any guy I've had a sustained sexual relationship with since then has been an asshole. My life has always improved once they were out of

So no one single thing will complete you. Duh? And probably having a combination of all the things on this list won't complete you because who is complete? What the hell does that mean? But having a combination of things on this list (and maybe a few others depending on each person's individual desires) will probably

How do you mean? That is makes you feel like another person will complete you or that it helps you realize another person won't fill the void? I've been single for a really long time and even though it might be nice to meet someone I'd want to be with, I definitely come down on the side of terminal singleness just

I'll be seeing the movie with at least one person who hasn't read the books, and I wonder if the sad stuff hits as hard for people who haven't read them. I tear up almost every time I see certain characters in the trailer. I'll be a mess in the movie.

Peeta! I can understand how Gale might be a personal preference for some people but in terms of who is right for Katniss, I don't understand how it's a debate. She obviously has feelings for Peeta that she pushes away for a number of reasons, not least of which is that she feels guilty about not loving Gale the same

I was completely in awe of the film, right up until the last 20 or so minutes. The Clooney hallucination was very cheesy and pretty much everything from then on was disappointing. I know this is supposed to be a triumph of the human spirit story, but it would have been a better film if it had ended when she was

I love Amy and Tina and TV and movies so this is kind of a cocktail of all my favorite things.

I'm pretty sure I fucked up a potential job today and right now my state of mind is I'm going to sink into poverty but at least I'm stuck in a Republican state where I'll never get proper healthcare so maybe I'll die sooner rather than later. So I'm damn excited that tomorrow is National Dessert Day and I can feel

GoT porn seems... unnecessary. And even though James Deen is cute, that wig's got nothing on Kit Harrington (and I'm not even that into Kit Harrington, the wig just looks bad).

Thanks for those explanations. A follow up then (if you don't mind and if you know the info): in the case that they weren't lying, what would be proper procedure here? Surely it's not telling her not to go to the cops and canceling her membership without her knowledge. I'd like to say there must be proper actions to

Take note, rest of the world. More happy stories like this one, if you please.