
Please let them bring a civil suit and absolutely ruin him.

Yes! Thank you! I've been thinking that since the OMG NOT ALL WHITE PEOPLE ARE LIKE THAT comments started rolling in. Most of us on here want to be taken seriously and listened to and believed when we talk about our negative experiences with men and not have the conversation derailed by dudes trying to make it about

Amazing how that happens. I have a friend who is a Republican. Once we were in line at the supermarket and the woman in front of us was taking quite a while, and she paid with food stamps. My friend said "oh so she's wasting my time and my money." Cut to not long after, same friend lost her job. She sure had no problem

A lot of my friends are going through, or about the start the academic job hunt. Good luck!!

I don't want Ikea because 1. I don't want to put it together myself and 2. I lived in a pre-furnished place with an Ikea bed previously and it was really uncomfortable.

It's on my list. It's just that my list is so long, and constantly increasing!

Thanks for the link!

They're really good. I hope you'll enjoy them when you get the chance to check them out.

I have no idea what's near me, actually. My mom retired and moved from NY to FL a few years ago and I've visited but I really have very little idea of what's around. I'll look that up though! Thanks for the suggestions and the commiseration!

Have you ever seen Design For Living? It's a comedy from the early 30s that is fantastic. Some other old good ones: The Sweet Smell of Success. Pickup on South Street. Ruggles of Red Gap.

Now playing

First off, anybody have good suggestions for inexpensive furniture/bedding that is not Ikea? I have to move back in with my mother next month, and she is trying to help ease the transition/alleviate my depression by letting me fix my bedroom up a bit. I'm looking for a bed with built in storage, a new rug and a new

I don't think I implied you agreed with the morality of the verdict. I certainly didn't mean to, because that wasn't the impression I got from your post.

Hahaha. Dead sluts. HAHAHA. The height of humor, right?

All of that might be true, but it is also true that race played a major role in 1.the murder itself and 2. the verdict. Do you really and truly believe that if the exact same sequence of events had gown down with the roles were reversed and the shooter had been black and the dead teenager white, that there would have

Nope. Sorry. Just ignore - had a thing typed out but then I realized it doesn't matter.

Yeah. How dare an actress who got on a hit show and makes bank dare to spend money on designer handbags. She is the worst. Way worse than like, war criminals and the GOP, and pedophiles.

Yeah, never announce the name before the kid is born. People will inevitably tell you about someone with the same name that they hated, or trash the name in some other way. (And I think Declan is a nice name - under any circumstances but especially if you have Irish heritage.)


This is not meant to be criticism of your boyfriend, who I'm sure is a lovely person, but it drives me crazy when people don't realize that even if you have a moral objection to abortion, but still think that the rights of the woman to decide what to do about her own pregnancy trump your objections you are pro-choice.

Seriously. Being on my period makes me feel gross. Which is not the same of being ashamed. It is physically extremely unpleasant not just because of cramps and backaches but because it's sticky and slimy and smelly and messy and anything that makes it less unpleasant, like tampons, is something I am grateful for.