Belated Comebacker

I loved Mabel's desperation to go on the quest to find unicorn hair.

That would be fantastic, especially given the comedic fake-outs and the spastic vocal changes Kristen Schaal could pull off.

I dunno about the former with the Bill items, but as far as getting out of town: would that really be sensible? I thought the show already established how everyone is safe so long as they stay in the barrier. Walking outside of it (or leaving it entirely) would allow for easy possession (unless everyone gets a steel

Love the sickish unicorn in this episode, and really began to find Bill more and more unnerving, especially given how he (or rather, his Nightmare Realm) was responsible for breaking McGucket. One thing's for sure: I'm definitely getting Lovecraftian vibes, even if Bill is more phantasmagorical than slimy and

That may have been me. It was my pleasure, although I'm not sure I could ever give away ALL my secrets…

And to think I was about to page you…

He'll bite your legs off (with his grandmother's dentures)!

No problem!

Too culty.

Worse than the naked tattoo lady show? (Blindspot! I thought I was…blind to that particular title, even if it seems to make sense from a marketing perspective.)

It certainly didn't help that they were over-budget whilst filming, which obviously took away from much of the panache and zest that this show usually has. This mostly came from having to nab a bunch of pick-up shots with Mikkelsen and Dancy after shooting out on location, and then Armitage had to go do a movie, which

There definitely was that fairy tale element to it, which I loved (almost Guillermo Del Toro-esque). The heroes slayed the dragon!…(after which they fell off a cliff, as opposed to reaping the rewards and saving maidens. Not that this relationship needs any maidens).

Agreed. After the cool aesthetic violence of Hannibal, we seriously need some sexual anthropomorphic waterfowl to enliven our day!

Absolutely. Lord knows without you (and many other insightful commenters), I probably might've been lost on what certain aspects of the show were alluding to (with that shot and the scene of Francis eating the painting being two of the larger blind spots). While many appreciative viewers of Hannibal may have been

GREAT Red Dragon? As if!

The chorus is her just humming.

*Bedelia Googles "How to re-attach a leg"

I do think that was interesting, although I initially lumped it in with the "split diopter" shots that Gordon Willis pulled off in quite a bit of his 70s work, The Paper Chase and All the President's Men especially.

Well, sure. That makes sense. (I'm tired and probably should have commented on this after sleeping, okay! Shut up.)

…And it turns out that one guy who had to use the Ladies' Room once was…JAMES GUMB?!?