Belated Comebacker

So first off, let me just say that the quick cut to Hannibal slurping down one of Chilton's two lips along with his following comment ("It couldn't have told you any more than this one did") was the best. I genuinely laughed out loud with that truly funny bit. Well played, Fuller. Well played.

Innnnnnnteresting. I have never seen Ratner's incarnation, although I can understand the 80s synths getting to be too much.

I suspect ignorance will be what the show favors. Freddie doesn't seem to be as much of an attention-whore as prior seasons, which seem to suggest that, if anybody is to be collateral damage whilst sussing out the Tooth Fairy, it may be Chilton.

Well-put! I'd say Jack might need some belches here or there when you write his dialogue, but that might make it too overt.

But maybe as a consultant with an increase in salary?

Yeah, that was also brought up in discussion. I just omitted it, as I've never seen it and can't speak for its veracity.

Loved his link to "I'm Sailing Away" when Will Graham got on that boat.

This just in: On Second Thought, maybe NBC won't cancel "Hannibal."

*Will Graham rolls his eyes.

ALANA: Hey there Hannibal. I found some truffles in my fridge for you. Would you like one?
HANNIBAL: Well sure, I—
ALANA: Nope, sorry, I'm withholding them from you. Look at me, getting off!

Well…he does work in law enforcement…

What were the reasons? I honestly don't think I ever read or heard about anything regarding Stephen Daugherty providing reasons for Lass being exempted (Unless we're just talking about competency after Hannibal's brainwashing of her mind, which is fair. Makes me almost glad she hasn't returned, since it actually seems

That was a great reference to the book and movies, yeah. And Hannibal's snide tone really helped sell it.

HANNIBAL:…I haven't been talking to my lawyer.

This is perfect. Someone phone College Humor, stat!

In other words, he'd disagree…if he were still alive to do so.

As a wise man over at The Solute once said: There is no shame in an artist using formula, and this episode proved it.

More chic than Will's face-mask in Season Two? The Public demands to know!

Well, Will and Hannibal were two wild and crazy guys…

In the Hannibal-verse, that was a Tuesday.