Belated Comebacker

Fuller's delightfully incongruous humor with this tonally disparate show continues!

Which scene in "No Country?" I'm struggling to remember now.

Alana: You're not the only one who always their promises.

Hah! Well said on Will sounding very William Petersen-y in this episode, something I picked up on as well. Loved seeing Will that geared up, alongside Hannibal's equally cool reaction; something I can see this incarnation of Hannibal pulling off, but not Cox' interpretation.

Shut this article down. This comment thread is the winner (well, that and RexBanner's excellent appropriation of Hannibal/Star Wars lines…

Just insert a line about Luke having a 'mild' seizure from the Force, and we're good. (Death Stick injection!)

So you'd…be catapaulting catapaults? Or trebucheting them?

The exercise of lifting a lifeless body out of my truck into a mass grave, of course.

I was going to say, I thought he did the Austin Powers films. Glad to see him step up his game. (Though I think he still did help out on The Campaign as a Producer).

Well, if you need to see some Hannibal-taking-out-Verger-goons, you could always revisit the scene from Season 2 that takes place in Hannibal's office…

Say what you will about VanDerWerff, his piece over at Vox on this past weekend's episode really helped clarify a lot of the episode's scenes that fleq over my headfirst time around.

Is it just me, or has Jay Roach been quietly working his way upwards in the directorial food chain, making subtly good movies about interesting topics without tipping over into Oscar bait? Genuinely interested, as I've kinda lost track of the guy until this popped up.

My…back. Where else?


*I find Philip Seymour Hoffman's bellowing when he sees the tattoo to be unintentionally amusing.

There better be a Man/Bear/Pig song on their second album…

Well, it certainly helps that Cox seems to be much better at cloaking his accent, as opposed to Mikkelsen.

He was getting into Dolarhyde's psyche…which was initially written as a joke, but makes a bit more sense now, since he did envision him self standing over a mutilated Molly, with glass in her eyes.

Well, when you get an FBI expense account…you damn well better abuse it. Especially after what Will went through the first time he helped them out back in Season 1.

Too much evil for vandals. They walked away with goosebumps and an ear in their mouth.