Belated Comebacker

And don't forget his devious turn as Chris Cooper's officious CIA official in "The Bourne Identity," followed by the revelation of his character being an informant/mole, with a supremely effective ending.

I'd have to agree with you here on Mads coaxing the staffer to divulge Will's home address. He didn't even mask his accent!

You certainly are…Doctor.

The rest are/were killers.

Damn you, now I want a mockumentary format of that, with two actors who can do 'wide-eyed surprise' well.

I wish I could remember the exact quote, but on one of Hannibal's prior season comment boards, there was a great joke about how this is what happened when Valchek became the new police commissioner!

*….there is nothing about this I don't find incredibly suspicious. Look, can I just *blacks out and wakes up in Oregon with a finger in his mouth*

The whole Bedelia scene with her conversing with Will juxtaposed with Quinto's character was a strange one; something that may make more sense upon re-watch where you can watch one episode after another. Here though, it was hard for me to determine if Bedelia was trying to help before Neil/Neal tried to grab her, or

Who woke up in another state.

Apparently killings, like comedy, come in threes. First you have Neal/Neil, then that adjunct poetry professor.

Not entirely surreal, if only because Hannibal seemed to be saying that Dolarhyde may not be as crazy as everyone thinks he is (or words to that effect).

Well said on the Red Dragon book/series comparisons. Speaking as someone who has not read the book (but was planning on it after the show wrapped), I initially took it to mean that he was consuming it in order to fully harness its energies, although I think your interpretation makes more sense (obviously, as Fuller

By fan gushing, you are referring to…the gushing of blood?

"Only a game designed by nerds would have 'charisma' as a fantasy power."

I would imagine Mars Inc. wouldn't have a problem giving him a pay raise to get him into another recording booth, especially since he's part of their brand now.

*Pulls off Cyctopus.

You gotta enjoy that shifty Stan. Even though there have been plenty of shows mocking D&D, I still liked his dig about "Charisma" being an ability.


I enjoyed Mabel channeling a bit of Hannibal Lecter, referring to the two Pines Twins as "broken teacups." Long story short, very effective, although Jonathan Banks snuck under the radar for me. But Simmons definitely stuck out. Looking forward to seeing tonight's episode.

Worse or better than his all-plastic murder suit? (Oh, how I miss thee)