
Being consigned to apple arcade means this game won’t get the players it should, too bad

Ahh, they’re taking the Link’s Awakening approach, I see.

This sounds fair and acceptable.   

Nothing wrong with this, just so long as your Pokemon don’t break after five uses.

Yes, I see nothing bad in them using the same framework from Breath of The Wild for a Pokemon game. I expect the physics will be dialed back in this one.  But it already has my mouth watering.

Almost bough Remnant last week.  Glad I didn’t!

It’s not even just “anti-SJW”.

I really hope in the future here, they take a look at some of the side activities. I am just finishing up the last 3 zones in the game now and I find myself dreading every blue marker around the corner is possibly one of the Stacking Stones mini-game.

What?! Next your are going to tell me that a rock in my vagina doesn’t help my physical and spiritual wellness.

Well, considering motion sickness bracelets are absolute nonsense pseudoscience garbage, I can see why they don’t help.

Grabbed Cyberpunk (XB1) for $30 at Best Buy with the steelbook thrown in for free last month.  I’m honestly pleased with my purchase.

I’m not sure why Jack is bad casting though? Do you think that Jack can’t play a devastatingly sad and emotionally broken character who uses humor and false bravado as a shield?

If I remember correctly, the first voice actor accused Gearbox of some shady shit and got replaced for Borderlands 3. So its not like there is a long history here of a single voice actor.

This is obviously newsworthy, but this may be the least surprising news story that I’ve ever seen.

Agreed! As an aspiring patent attorney I have serious doubts about the validity of this patent in the face of Alice v CLS–but who tf is going to litigate the issue? Huge stifle.

Yeah. That’s what I keep thinking about. If you are a developer working on an open world game with enemies that react to the player or evolve over time, are you now calling a lawyer to figure out if you can keep making that game?

This really bums me out. It’s an amazing system, but one that already isn’t imitated nearly enough. A patent isn’t going to encourage teams to pay WB, it’s going to simply stop them from including this feature, or, from smaller teams, from even attempting anything like this, due to them not understanding the legal


Ms. Bigboote is a 7th grade teacher, in one of the most back-asswards school counties, in one of the most ass-backwards states in the country concerning education and how the state/county has been handling covid at their schools.

What are you going to do when you’re married and stressed, take a little time for yourself and do something you’re passionate about while you collect your thoughts and process things?