Sorena ✪

To be fair, conspiracy loonies are on the both side of the aisle and a prominent leftist conspiracy theorist is Michael Moorone.

Fvck Trump, but it wasn't him who spied on Angela Merkel.

Guess you're looking in the mirror.

Why should be held accountable for someone else who harassed Leslie Jones?

You are so naive if you think Milo's tweet really affected her. She is a celebrity and I'm sure, she receives hate mail by the dozens every single day. Let's be honest, which famous person whether on the right or left is immune to hate mail? Jesus, I hate to defend that a@shole, but his tweet had no element of racism

The only reason he suddenly became a star is because a group of rioters decided to make him famous at Berkeley by burning their own university.
And they beat two Syrian students and a lesbian in the process of their so-called protest.

If you really believe your ideology is far superior to your opponent, what's the loss in engaging in an conversation or giving them a platform?
I should note I have no love for this self-hating, pathetic troll.

And the left was wrong that he should be denied a platform…

Guess Bill had the right idea that if we give this moron platform, he would have enough rope to hang himself.

You made a claim that Sam Harris, Hitchens and I (whom you don't know at all) are Islamophobic. The burden of proof is on you to prove it, not me.
And yet you manage to prove my point that anyone who disagrees with liberal's narrative of Islam is a bigot in leftists' eyes. I can't believe I yet again managed to prove

Dude, stop making an ass out of yourself. Even my 5 year old niece is more knowledgeable on Islam than you. I bet you won't be able to explain the differences between different sects in Islam, how they were founded, pillars of Islam, etc. and you get your information on Islam from twitter and Facebook, while I'm

I'm holding my breath until you can provide proof Sam Harris or late Hitch are bigots. You've never read the Islamic scripture and its doctrines which proves you sir have zero credibility on Islam compared to Sam Harris.
By the way, he has coauthored a book with a Muslim reformer. So much for his bigotry. THE HORROR!

Sure, anyone who disagrees with the liberal's narrative of Islam is a bigot. And liberals wonder why they lose every election after another. I guess they never get tired of playing identity politics.
PS: I can accuse you of Christianity-phobia the same way you use Islamophobia, what a meaningless word.

I doubt you have ever heard of his collaboration with Maajid Nawaz, a real moderate Muslim. I'm following him for sometime and he's the last person I call a bigot. And actually he's one of the few Westerners to have a good understanding of Islam. Saying that as a former Muslim, it speaks volumes.

This is not about Keith Ellison. It'd be nice if you can provide proof that Maher is an anti-Muslim bigot. He mainly likes to do some jokes about religion and lacks the intellectual depth of Sam Harris. Anyway, as an ex-Muslim I don't consider him a bigot.

This is some major league bullshit.
Real moderate Muslims like Maajid Nawaz have been on his show.
He's the last person in the media I'd consider to be anti-Muslim bigot. Your disagreement with him doesn't make him a bigot, but shows your lack of knowledge on Islam.

Bill gave him the platform to speak his mind which was almost bullshit. It's so sad to see leftists are afraid of debates and there's no great debater on the left. The last one was Christopher Hitchens.

I can't bring myself to Maher. I think he is an asshole because he repeatedly interrupts guests on his show. All Bill did was to give an internet troll a platform to speak his bullshit. And frankly, he was owned.
But, leftists have gone mental and think Bill should have denied him to be on the panel.
I guess Sam Harris

He's bigoted against Islam when he has had moderate Muslims like Maajid Nawaz on his panel or it is the case that his view of Islam is in contradiction with liberal's narrative?

I agree, but Islam is a bigger problem right now. 500 years ago, I would have said it's Christianity.
And, I'm a former Muslim. There's nothing racial about it.