Sorena ✪

This is not about Catholicism or Judaism. I don't remember in the recent times Jews or Catholics were throwing gays off roof tops or were maiming people for thievery or were stoning women or beheading apostates. As polls show, significantly higher number of Muslims support the barbaric laws of their religion than

I shake my head when I see western so called liberals defend this asshole, but smear Ayan Hirsi Ali who has more balls than all of them combined.

I'm not a fan of him because he's dismissive of people who criticize him. If Dean is a champion of the LGBT community, has he denounced the misogynistic, homophobic part of the Islamic culture?

Sorry, the article you mentioned proves NOTHING, and I stopped reading until I reached "Linda Sarsour", the great theocrat.

I'm waiting for real Muslims to denounce the misogynistic, homophobic part of the Islamic culture. Sadly, there are very few including Asra Nomani and Maajid Nawaz.

Maybe, Maher doesn't like to have Dean on his show, and this proves he's an Islamophobe? Seriously, does that mean he is bigoted against Muslims when he has had moderate Muslims on his panel?
This is some twisted logic you have.

I'm following Harris for sometime and I don't remember he has said such a thing. For one thing, he has co-authored a book with Maajid Nawaz, a Muslim reformer.

Personal faith results in action toward others which has serious consequences. So I say, maybe the person should grow some balls.