
Couple of hundred thousand this year and $3 mil next year that he was still under contract for.

He’s well within the rules to do that. Cut the man some slacks.

And that time over at Donnie’s place,

The existence of those does not invalidate the need for this hockey call to be shared. It’s not a contest.

Fielder’s Choice will be followed by Kellyanne Conway’s new cooking show, Defensive Indifference.

Context. Jim is saying the fact that people will define his career partially by his academic intelligibility (Which lets face it, we will.) is a bad thing. He’s complaining that we didn’t appreciate what he’s done in his life.

actual poll on denverpost website poll if you go on their with a mobile device

Dime Bags Two For One

You expect me to believe that a man who would punch a woman would also make a gay slur?

There are places where it is dangerous to be Christian, and there are places where it sucks to be Christian.
The places it is dangerous are mostly just dangerous places, but admittedly more dangerous as a Christian. The places it sucks to be a Christian are places like Pakistan or Saudi Arabia, or other Muslim states.

This is the least American thing I’ve ever heard

They’re investment assets. See how it worked out for Loria?

According to Forbes, the potential buyer is illiquid and would thus have to take on more debt than MLB might be comfortable with in order to satisfy the $1.6 billion price tag.

“Aw, you’re still crying about how you think players in a championship game should take it easy and make sure they don’t hurt themselves? That’s so sad. Ask anybody who’s ever won a championship. They’ll tell you you can eat shit for thinking they should save it for the next game. Because there is no next game. The

They’re trying too hard to appeal to people who aren’t going to watch baseball however long the game is while alienating the people who do care.

Rob Manfred

The first quarter of the article centers around Nemanja discussing how he was actively mooching off of Darko (living in his mansion, driving his expensive cars, encouraging Darko to throw parties). This, in comparison to the present, where they all live in a 3-bedroom apartment, and are encouraging Nikola to stay in

I’m not sure, but sharing a 3 bedroom apartment with bro and his gf doesn’t cross it.

So “Jokic” is Serbian for “Plumlee”?

The Big 12's board of directors unanimously voted to withhold from Baylor a quarter of the conference’s annual revenue distribution payment—the money Power Five conferences make from their various TV and advertising deals.