
This one was meant to be light hearted and fun but was probably a little too close to the line.

Until he meets himself coming the other way.

*re-reads article*

Right. They’ll be cubs.......(crickets)


Pictured: Gar Foreman.

Kpassa amigo!

“He’s as body beautiful as it gets. And I think I speak for all of us when I say I can’t wait to see him ruin that.”

We don’t use keys for repo. In fact in most places I’m aware of, the dealer and/or bank aren’t supposed to have keys to it. We just brute force it. One way or another, it’s going on/behind a tow truck. And believe me, the typical repo guy does not give a shit about damage. They aren’t responsible for it, and nothing

NFL has a huge opportunity in that. Really the first league in blurring the line of where fans stop and the players start. Could you imagine the internet if some fucking schlub beat everyone? I mean who wouldn’t be rooting for Steve from Bozeman Montana? People would actually start watching the challenges here thereby

They should include fans in these contests so we can see how they stack up/don’t stack up. Have fans try to catch the drone drop, and bring in dodgeball teams to play against the NFLers. I’d watch 3 hours of that.

Out of the greys for your history knowledge!

oh god should we all be worried about that Mariners exhibition game in Sarajevo then?

Thank you. Butchering Carlin quotes should be a felony.

The line is: “Selling is legal. Fucking is legal. Why isn’t selling fucking legal?” George was a goddamn wordsmith.

Louisville: Actually it didn’t help with recruiting. We weren’t even trying to recruit these guys tbh. Honestly we were just trying to show them the dangers of what some other schools might do to try to recruit them.

Ben Stein: Ok class let’s reveal who we voted for. Bueller? Bueller? Bueller?

Great article! I was thinking the same thing—Rafa facing one handers after a slew of tall, big hitting, big serving players w/ 2 handed backhands.

This was a good joke and fuck all these jamokes

Waxing mythological, are we?