
whoa that IS crazy. I didn’t know box scores even existed anymore.

Why? They are both full of pussies.

China 1948:

And those SHOES, DERNIT!!!

Both instances you posted about were anomalies in their time.

I said public office you dimwit. That could mean anything from president to congress to city council. I can tell you that I was more certainly not referring to him running for the presidency.

Its not about having zero experience or being white. Its about being a shit for brains and a racist asshole.

I know we like to joke about Pop/Kerr 2020 and what not, but I so earnestly think Steve Kerr would make an incredible public official. He’s young, progressive, successful, and infinitely charming. Not to mention, the backstory surrounding his father is such a compelling narrative as to why he is the man he is today

Don’t politic this, I’m a Pats fan, grew up in Boston and have been in the military for 20+ years. I’m appropriately ashamed of the clueless support the leadership of the Patriots have thrown at this imbecile of a President but that has nothing to do with my support of the team.

Friese is known for taking out other riders, particularly when they are clearly faster than him and he can’t block them any longer. This isn’t the first fight he’s been in for doing this. Weston Peick got into 2 fights with Friese last year alone and both of them were for the same reason. He blasts into a corner and

Look for Belichick assistant Jack Ruby outside the police station later today.

that was my #1 takeaway as well

And Serbia beats Bosnia again

Cats are just not that great.

McDavid and I have a lot in common. I also scored when I was a sophomore, and it was over in less than 3 seconds.

this guy gets it

I assumed he would have ended up at TCU.

“Challenge accepted”