
This is trying way too hard. Bleach Boy is a terrible nickname, and I hope it sticks with him forever as penance for being an attention whore.

i’m thinking that 7A means AAAAAAA, but it would be weird to write that every time

Not if its an organization of four people.

The Chiefs are fucking boring. Is there a more dull team in the NFL?

I thought Deadspin would be excited about the decision. Finally an American sports team is going to reuse an old Arena.

Democrats represent the middle/working class. We are trying to address it and faced nothing but obstructions. How on earth any working class person believes conservatives have ever address their concerns is beyond me. How did Trump who said he doesn’t pay taxes because he’s smart reach these people?


By all means let him continue to be on staff as a special assistant for building young people’s lives then (or defensive coordinator), but that shitty playcalling, disorganization, and clock mismanagement shit has to go.

“What’s the big deal? That’s not even horseplay.”

It looks like the Browns offensive line could really use a some support right now. Thankfully, they should be able to count on everyone getting behind them.

and he missed the draft because he didn’t want to interfere with a fishing trip he was taking with his dad. I know this is corny and cliche, but he also seems to not forget what’s actually important; not shaking Goodell’s hand for any reason.

Which part is debatable? Bc that’s definitely a travel.

Uh, even if you ignore the obvious shove ... that’s a traveling violation. But whatevs!

It’s hard to tell unless you show us your forearms.

It is in no way debatable. Even with the gather step, he took 4 extra steps.

He traveled.

I don’t know about the “it’s Texas and he isn’t white” argument. Both UT and TAMU have black coaches, and no one cares, so long as they’re winning.

Good for him, maybe we’ll run more than two different plays, with one play (Foreman off left tackle) constituting 80% of the calls. It’s weird to see an offense with 80% less variety in Game 11 than there was in Game 1 (Notre Dame) with a pass over the middle being a distant, distant memory.

Very weird to see a timekeeping error at MSU in any sport

By taking over from an aging coach who had allowed things to decline a bit and who never quite had as dominant a program as appearances made it seem to begin with (two all-time great QBs back to back can make any coach look awesome).