
I'm terrified of being mistaken for "that guy" so the ironclad rule is:

Meh, I wouldn't qualify her under male gaze territory. Her costume is fantasy-practical (ie, not just a series of straps paired with ridiculous heels), and while it shows her figure, it's far from looking painted on. Her proportions aren't embarrassing; plus, her ripped body type deviates from your typical male gaze

"Sorcia, I'm in love with your best friend [a dude with a hilariously ridiculous name that I cannot post here]. We're moving to Virginia and I hope you'll be happy for us."

My (now ex) fiancé and I had a somewhat long-distance relationship. I worked an a city 3 hours from the small town we lived in, so I would stay with friends or my parents while I worked my 4 days on, and go home on my days off. Things were never "good" when I was at home, but anyone can tolerate each other for 4-5


I'm thrilled to introduce my latest shade 'Jailbait Cherry' which has deep meaning for me, conjuring up childhood memories of lazy summer days fishing near the local penitentiary while enjoying a healthy fruit snack. Wait, you thought I was referring to what?!? Oh, you have a sick sick mind.

In Vancouver: La Taqueria (Fuckin') Taco Shop. No misunderstandings here.

That place is right next door to my apartment. It doesn't surprise me the owners are Pakistani; one of the best kabob places in the area is in this shopping center (it has two branches next to each other, and one across the street) and is a very popular location.

Thanks everyone for your responses. They pretty much told me what I already knew - he shouldn't be sleeping in it.

"[T]he placenta takes about ten minutes to properly transform from bloody chunks that get stuck in the blades to a liquid that tastes like 'a delivery room smells.'"

I have found baby powder to be a lot of help with shapewear of any form when I'm sweaty or wet. Granted I don't have any experience with a chest binder, but I wear tight Spanx for a belly I'm uncomfortable with whenever I'm not exercising.

You peasants commoners common women are so easily offended.

Let them eat organic gluten free cake!

Have you tried telling them that if they were going down on a clit like the good lord intended they wouldn't have to spew such vile gender-based crap all the time?

First world parents... People with the luxury of never knowing widespread disease who use their privilege to decide on science. A message to the science-deniers: You realize that, prior to modern medicine, people weren't living to be 900 year-old super-humans with just sunlight, vegetables, and happy thoughts?

That sure is a funny way to spell "crippled with debt and living on the streets while waiting in line at the VA office"

Now playing

Sooo many things I love about this story (spoiler: none of them is that some poor dude got bullied):

I have an relative who will remain unnamed who actually DID throw desks at someone. He went into like Viking beserker rage, and oddly ended up being friends with the guy who was picking on him a few years later.

Supporting the L the G and maybe sometimes the B has been safe. Supporting the T is not nearly as safe.

Eighth grade: my class is putting on some stupid play for our religion class and I'm doing the costumes because 1) I'm known for that kind of thing and 2) I'm not popular enough to be in the play, or have friends. While working in the "wings" (eh, poor school, shitty facilities), three classmates come back and decide