SilverBRADo totaled his beigeslushboxmatrix

The Lada Niva is on my odd vehicle list.  I'll probably hate it, but it'd be cool and the only one in town.  Maybe throw a VW diesel under the hood, and go exploring.  It can't have less room than my Courier, right?

Which is exactly how it was in Soviet times, which is exactly how it was in Tsarist times. And in every dictatorship ever, back to the Roman Empire and even earlier. 

Sorry, I should have clarified, corporate debt is what I meant.  Companies issued boatloads of corporate paper to do stock buybacks instead of growing the business with capex.

The most disturbing part of that video?

I was going to bid on this but I ended up going for Kennedy’s Golf Clubs. Got outbid by two broads tho

I used to be pretty (read: very) economically conservative, a trickle-down Reaganomics believer who knew that companies would pass all that tax savings along in the form of jobs and shit and make the world a better place through investment. Then I was talking to a friend of mine (2009, 2010, something like that) who

Worrying so much about debt to GDP ratios is part of what made the recession drag on, the recovery fail, and is leading to the potential for another recession now. Central banks are still relying on interest rate cuts to try to stimulate business spending, but businesses still aren’t spending, rather hording their

You can’t declare bankruptcy for student loans. That’s why the interest rate on student loans is as low as it is. Student loans have driven the expansion of the American university-as-industry and made is possible for millions to go deep into debt while getting a degree that may or may not be valuable in the outside

I wanted to star your post, but it was too close to approving of your travails.  Thanks for posting.

The last recession almost broke me to the core. Up to it’s peak companies sucked you dry and worked you death while you had to tell employees you can’t give some of them raises because there isn’t money and they accept it as there’s nowhere else they can go for work because no one is hiring. When your company finally

Thanks for reading!

this is a wonderful article, with charming language.

I’m sure having sex with underage girls will help take your mind off the pain.  

Fun fact: the sideview mirror was always adjustable from inside the car.

The website mentions as a selling point that the new cars offer “sideview mirrors adjustable from inside the car”.

If your yacht is only 200 feet long, you clearly couldn’t afford $25 mil for this car.  Nice try!

Don’t rough him up too badly. I ordered my private concierge Chandler to bid 25.1M so you wouldn’t have gotten it anyway but he screwed it up too. I have him scrubbing the cobblestone now.

You, good sir, get a veritable plethora of stars for the use of the word rapscallion...

As someone who professionally deals in stuff like this ... and if this article is accurate ... it’s Aston’s fault for selling an asset to a foreign buyer and not having a plan to make sure they get paid.  There are plenty of ways to do this (letters of credit and credit insurance are the two most obvious, and it also

I’m glad someone finally addressed this, as it boggles my mind that such a shitty UI is allowed to leave a multi-million dollar company on a finished product. Not only that, but over the years they have never improved it.