SilverBRADo totaled his beigeslushboxmatrix

the shaft on my 3 wood.

I think the center part of the wheel stationary and the spokes look like that because it’s turned off-center.

Having the RV there before they need to self-quarantine, should that happen, is important, as it allows for the quickest possible quarantine.

I remember, the fuss that was caused around him happened when I was in high school in the mid-90's.

I agree, Wasabi Buttplug.

You can’t see the front of the car when you’re driving anyway.

Just because other people are willing to pay it doesn’t mean it’s actually worth it. Unless you’re trying to sell it.

Now playing

Fellow Jalops who are interested in stuff like this might also enjoy Aging Wheels on YouTube:

Instead of Bolt EUV, why not just call it Jolt?

Aww shit. I went and found the gif, then thought I should scroll down, and you beat me to it.

I want this for my husband.  He has a back injury and chronic pain and needs a comfortable car.  I want one bigger than what he has now, but not full-on Tahoe/Suburban size. l

This is one thing I love about Jalopnik, there is so often someone in the comments to actually has useful information and isn’t a jackass about it!

David, do you get paid by the picture?


He also probably should have gotten the vehicle license plate number, maybe the name of the company on the door, or something to identify the truck for the police and insurance, unless of course he got that but didn’t post it online to prevent Internet randos from harassing the company. However, this guy didn’t seem

Mrs. Roberts is one of the world’s greatest hackers:

Mrs. Roberts is one of the world’s greatest hackers:

I tried to find a picture to use for today, but I couldn’t find any pictures of McLarens with sexy male models.  Even when I searched for exotic car, there were more hits with female models or couples.  What is this world coming to?