I thought Applebee’s was a sponsor and that was their way of inviting people in.
I thought Applebee’s was a sponsor and that was their way of inviting people in.
I know it’s a different car that’s referenced, but I’m linking this anyway:
For further reading, I recommend Packing for Mars by Mary Roach.
I want to give you a star for the 850, but I don’t want it to be seen as supporting the poopy-pictures.
This is one reason I love Jalopnik.
It’s ok, many people appreciate average to below average ones. I mean, a big one looks impressive, but at some point it’s like “what do you really do with that.” It’s difficult to park, and I can’t really think of any more double entendres off the top of my head.
I thought they would have stuck it in the back (giggity), à la Renault Clio V6.
One of my favorite stories of spite.
My niece and her husband own a scrapyard and they get shit like that pretty often (this is in small-town north Alabama). One time, someone had burned a mattress and put some other stuff (I think car body parts?) on the burned out springs, tied it together, and drug it in with a Taurus (I think, it was a sedan anyway).…
I really fucking hope that is Mt. Dew or something in that bag and they took the picture for a joke.
Yes, Nihls Bohlin and Volvo saved an estimated million lives with that one invention and their willingness to share it with the world.
That’s basically what I was thinking. I don’t think any of these have 3-point seat belts, and definitely not in the back. You could mount some sort of hooks in them to attach baby seats, which I hope he’ll do if he buys anything this old.
VW had a similar system:
I can’t believe GM hasn’t come out with an electric Buick Electra. Or even used the name for something else. Of course, it would be an electric crossover.
Horrible cars, but I still have notstalgia for my step-mother’s 1979 Coupe deVille (this was from the late 1990's)
Even as dope as Simone is, she’s not a car-person. However, this isn’t her first car project. She turned one of those old, tiny electric cars into a computer mouse. I think that’s also when she learned how to drive.
It really frosts my fanny when people do shit like that. I hate when they put one shaky picture of the thing, and don't include the model if applicable, when they could just take a picture of the label.