Bei Dawei

Maybe he’s a Space Hindu.

Fog of War something something

They canonically engage in sexual reproduction, and have even done so with Imperial humans.

Only from the in-universe perspective of the narrator of the screen crawls (originally meant to be the Guardians of the Whills). From our perspective it may well be the far future, as it certainly appears to be based on the spread of humans throughout the Star Wars galaxy (which, based on its shape in ESB, seems not

So....asexual? They’ve got their own flag now, you know.

You’ve...accented “Baha’i” according to their house transliteration style. Has this thread been baha’ijacked?

That was from a book called “Clam Plate Orgy” (about subliminal advertising).

Maybe Stevonnie had facial hair because of Connie. After all, Tamil women tend to be hairy.

I wonder why Roman Polanski never made a film about sodomizing some teenager, then fleeing to Switzerland?

Content like “My Little Pony”?

As Miss January for 2006, I would like...oh, never mind.

What about “A Scanner Darkly”?

Is the character in fact American?

There are Chinese Buddhist soap operas courtesy of the Da Ai TV channel. Lots of Indian religious serials and kid’s cartoons. But these aren’t usually made to spread a particular message.

I quit texting while driving thanks to Dr. Strange.

I identify as white trash. Is that appropriate, or is it appropriation?

Yes, it sometimes gives me one or two comments only, then nothing I do makes any others appear.

For next week, be sure not to overlook the novel “The Club Dumas,” which inspired the Satanic Johnny Depp movie “The Ninth Gate,” except no Dumas, because nobody reads books anymore, I guess.

Next up: Polygamy Porter (“Why have just one?”)

What an uplifting, positive story! All this time, I’d been assuming that politicians just fake their spirituality, but $51,000! This redeems my faith in humanity.