Kawaii Tyrant

That last part is definitely true. This is a weird case where the general public (well, the "general public" that cares about Star Trek-based litigation, anyhow) saw it as The Man stomping all over the fans, but the fan community itself thought Peters was being an arrogant jerk for not abiding by the

I reeeaaally hope all of this leads to the main Axanar guy trying to kiss Abrams' ass for saving him, but I suspect he'll find a way to twist it to fit his belief that his fan film is somehow more "real" than the new films.

Well, yeah, which is why I referred to Axanerds' mindset as bullshit.

It's pretty funny that Abrams is behind the push to drop the lawsuit, 'cause the Axanar folks are way into "Abrams doesn't make real Star Trek and we must support this fan film because it's what Roddenberry would have wanted" bullshit.

We-ell, the reason Axanar got on CBS/Paramount's shitlist where other fan films, even ones with big Kickstarters, didn't, is because they're really toeing the line of being not-for-profit. The producer paid himself (and, IIRC, his girlfriend) a salary, he was selling branded coffee, and he was/is planning to open a

I think it's actually a racial thing. Garak mentions that DS9's lights are too bright for his liking, which suggests that Cardassians function best in very low-light environments, given how dimly-lit the station already is. Poor O'Brien probably had to work for days to even get it to where it is on the show.

Except for the one where they're strongly implied to be having hatesex off-panel. It's called "The Prisoner of White Agony Creek," which, shit, even sounds like the title of some creepy, creepy porn.

I read the whole thing and I still had to go double-check when I got to that line.

Mimi came out of All-Stars looking better than Pandora did, frankly. I mean, yeah, Mimi was way out of her depth, but she was still doing her best while saddled with a surly and over-it teammate. Being a surly and over-it teammate is not a good look on anyone.

Upvoted for "Benelux Umberhulk."

Aw man. I was hoping this was some sort of adaptation of the OTR show. That's obviously never going to happen; I dunno why I got my hopes up.

HOLY SHIT I hope Waid sees and writes about this movie. His description of watching Man of Steel almost makes me glad that movie exists.

I suspect that, rather than making fun of Sheridan, the article's intention is to make fun of the filmmakers who, despite being able to get their "first choice," continued dicking around looking at other people.

Me too. I like most of the stuff it was referencing, but goddamn, that is just not enough to sustain my interest in a novel, especially one that's this poorly-written.

In 150 years, someone will make this exact argument about Twilight.

So these are the only four games this year that hired a WGA member to write for them, eh?

I had not! Thanks for pointing me to it. It sounds like Grace has the right idea.

That's pretty much how I feel about it. If you condensed the prequels down into a single movie that told the story that the whole trilogy was purporting to tell (i.e. Anakin becomes Darth Vader, and also the formation of the Empire I guess), that movie would be like 80% Revenge of the Sith.* I think that's why Sith

Which one is the good one in your opinion? Or, um, the best of the three, because it's not like any of them are good-good.

For hardcore fans, the answer is "because all the casual viewers got caught up in the inevitable and unfounded backlash against this excellent show."