Kawaii Tyrant

So they should just make a Miss Marvel show, is what you're saying.

I want to be charitable and assume Neuroticmoose meant that the show should've used Ted in addition to Jaime. Most (all? I'm hedging my bets in case I'm forgetting somebody) of the other teen heroes' predecessors are still active, but poor Ted had to be dead to begin with.

I also think there's a level of fantasy that's necessary for a morally-bad character to register as more than just unlikable. Most people don't know any ice-queen-y KGB agents, so Elizabeth Jennings is bad on a removed, fantastic level that's interesting to get a window into. However, everybody knows the coworker who

Is this a good place to complain about what a bad replacement character Dr. Orchid is? I don't give a shit that Mrs. White was replaced, but even this comic recognizes that orchid, as a color, is a shade of purple, and Clue(do) already has a purple guy. She couldn't have been Dr. Blanche or something?

I want you to know how much I appreciate your dedication to this bit.

I think there's a way to do Lazarus Pits without making them such a deus ex machina. It's pretty simple too: Give them the power to de-age living people (or slow aging and extend lifespan or whatever) but not resurrect the dead. That way, you still get "immortal" Ra's, but it doesn't remove the tension of death.

I don't think the show ever explicitly said they were removed, but my guess is that whatever Strange did to save her life also removed her powers. But it was also never clear whether she could choose not to use them or if they just activated whenever she touched somebody, so who knows?

Um, I think it's a little late to be worried about drastically rewriting canon.

Even without Strange making monsters in his basement, this is a show where you can reanimate someone by giving their corpse a strong enough electric shock. I assume that wouldn't work on Barbara, but probably if somebody spills strong coffee on her or something, she'll come back none the worse for wear.

If they want something with no wimmin cluttering up the screen, I suggest gay porn.

Is there a pithy term yet for idiots who use "virtue signaling" to pretend that other people are arguing in bad faith and thus attempt to disguise the fact that they can't actually muster a counterargument?

They're good dogs Thyasianman.

The short version is that she was cornered by a bad guy in a high place and thought jumping onto a spike was her best option. But the show had previously established her as being so paranoid about infecting people that when she accidentally cut herself and bled on a counter, she torched the building to stop anyone

That part is, unfortunately, not that interesting. The short version is that there was this woman with blood that turns people into rage monsters when they come into contact with it. She killed herself so her blood couldn't be used for nefarious purposes, but Barnes (knowing full goddamn well what her deal was) stood

No, he was introduced as someone who actually acted like Commissioner Gordon—he kept having slapfights (metaphorical ones, unfortunately) with Jim because he cared a lot about doing things by the book and didn't approve of Jim being a dirty cop on the edge. It's like Barnes was introduced specifically to underline how

Face-Off is sort of fascinating in how un-reality-show its editing is, though. It rarely tries to sustain storylines for more than an episode at a time, the central workroom crises of any given episode have about a 50/50 chance of being mentioned in judging, and it seems like its shied away from interpersonal drama

I have this problem with RPG books. Not that I mass-buy them, but I have like a dozen I've never played, because my friends aren't interested in learning some weird niche system when our D&D nights are basically just hangout time anyway. I've read them all at least, but it's still kind of embarrassing.

In order to not have a last season, it would have to still be running, and it would presumably get even worse than season 8 our collective lumberjack fever dream.

"Henceforth" or nothing!

I have read it, and it is exactly as batshit as the dust jacket implies.