Kawaii Tyrant

And it's not just that it got a lot of funding. Axanar's funding is being used to found what will, after this fan film, become a for-profit movie studio. That, I suspect, is why CBS is going after Axanar and not, say, Star Trek Renegades, which made like $300,000 on Kickstarter but is using all of it for production

"The best fucking film of the year. C+"
AA Dowd

"Only a Christmas song in name (and some random jingle bells)" describes like half of the classic secular Christmas songs.

What pushes it over into douche territory for me is that it's not clear that he likes her as a person. He says in the chorus that she loves him, but the reverse is conspicuously absent. It may not have been intentional, but that makes it sound less like he likes her but thinks she makes bad choices and more like he's

I suspect cooking reality show challenges are a higher-pressure environment than other kinds of creative reality competition challenges. Like, on Project Runway, it doesn't really matter what a contestant is doing minute-to-minute as long as they're steadily getting work done. Cooking is way more time-sensitive, both

I suspect the reason "Clones is much worse than Menace" is a minority opinion is that it was so much more of a shock when Menace sucked. By the time Clones came out, everyone was prepared for the possibility that it would be shitty. It's so much worse than Menace, but that's overshadowed by how much more of a

Hannibal? The TV show, I mean, not the movie.

And that's terrible.

It means "oblong," right?

Did [REC] get a theatrical release in the US? If not, that probably disqualifies it from this list.

And then Disney was like, "Fuck it. His name is Sheev now."

Who did he voice? It sure wasn't Fred.

Pup didn't have Frank Welker in it, so it can fuck right off.

I dunno, I think it's pretty believably awful. If it was just a new Sam Smith song rather than his shit attempt at a Bond theme, I wouldn't think twice about it.

I'd love to hear what the "nonsensical mid-credits faux-shocker" is, but someone would actually have to see the movie to tell me, so I guess I'll live in nonsensical faux-suspense.

The "updated" version seems to mostly have gone through and removed all the most famous/best examples of each subgenre.

Can we get a top 20, please?

Until about a month ago, the Nick theme park in Mall of America had a Danny Phantom-themed falling star ride. And also an unrelated, non-branded ghost-shooting ride, because they give zero fucks.

Aguirre-Sacasa gets a lot of leeway from me for stupid premises, because Afterlife with Archie is so much better than its premise suggests. So, while this sounds pretty dire, I will reserve judgement until I know whether it has motorcycle-riding lesbian arsonists.

I think I remember that The Guy From Train tried to write this as an INXS song, thought it sucked, and then decided to slather it in ukulele instead. I can't even imagine what the original sounded like to make TGFT go, "No, this is not good enough for my band, Train."