
Damian, thank you for sharing this. I understand what you're saying about how some of the Jez commentariat can use a word like rape which is horrible enough that it erases the various other forms sexual abuse can take. To be honest, I have a lot of issues with anyone that would say a guy being sexually victimized (or

Hey Damian, glad you're putting forth your lived reality. That is a good thing. I hope you're a gay guy. Here's the thing. Gay guys are victims of sexual violence and rape in the scenario you put forth. I have been as have been friends of mine. To take that lightly is wrong. I hope you continue to be a part of the

Is that corn? Is that a hard-boiled egg and corn aspic? Why do I feel like this would make as much sense to see it in a 1950s recipe ad as it would seeing it in a toilet...

I did the experiment for science. I was tanked 15 minutes in.

Uhm, yup. They got it on in the Gladiator office on the conference table.

Question, got distracted earlier. But does anyone actually think if you quit B613 you just get to collect unemployment? And really how does that even work?

Him teaching his kid life lessons, like how to properly use a drill or pliers. ;-)

Drink, Harrison's hookup gal is dead.

A moment of poignancy, if Scandal is a soap then much like a daytime soap or a comic book can folks come back from the dead? Discuss.

I just wanted to post an OMG gif. To be cool. You're wins by a million miles.

Biological terrorism confirmed. Anthrax/Bacterial Meningitis connection solidified. Take another round of drinks.

Bacterial meningitis, close enough. The drink is no longer on a technicality. The ruling stands. *bows head for a moment of silence for a fictional teen characters demise*

Baby boy Grant has the anthrax, which will kill you. Drink on a technicality.

I would add that our reactions make us want to go clean up (with a scalding hot shower for our eyes) too.

Quinn is horrible....horrible, horrible, HORRIBLE. Drink. *I have the sads for Huck now*

I want to star this 1 million times. Really, ALL the stars.

Fitz is lying to Liv which he ALWAYS does also counts as being a jerk to Mellie. Rule number 1. DRINK, twice!

You have some catching up to do. Welcome to the party. :-)