Yup, Quinn having sex with Huck = Quinn is horrible. DRINK! Fun fact, guy who plays Huck was on weeds ALSO he is gay IRL.
Yup, Quinn having sex with Huck = Quinn is horrible. DRINK! Fun fact, guy who plays Huck was on weeds ALSO he is gay IRL.
I know right? That is now going to be my go to advice for everyone on everything. Bonus points for me because it'll always be unsolicited advice.
God (or Sally-Jesus) willing.
A future maybe option: https://www.aereo.com/
Why do you want to kill Sally-Jesus?
Scandal Finale Drinking Game:
Yeah, I have no false pretenses about the churches teachings (and how they affect their charitable organizations) and its links to increased HIV transmission and decreased contraception availability both directly and indirectly through their good works. I've worked in HIV prevention for over 10 years now, mostly local…
Grew up Catholic too. Also, they gay here. I've led a mostly Agnostic life but always felt an affinity towards spiritual beliefs. If a church is going to implode or disappear because it doesn't keep up with the actual beliefs of its flock, then so be it. I love (loved?) all the social justice parts of the Catholic…
Yup AND we all said, NOPE!
I'll happily take Coulson AND FITZ (oh my god I got FITZ!!!!!) also, May come on...you don't want May?
I mixed my responses to comments, so doesn't necessarily apply here on this Scandal thread. AoS = Agents of Shield. But hey, that is not the end all be all of selecting prime men. If you don't watch Agents of Shield then throw out the guys from a show you do watch. :-)
I'm all about working toward a amicable resolution. For AoS, who are your 1st pics? Here's the game. I'm a gay dude and I'm assuming (I know making an ass of myself assuming) your a straight gal. But let's split the guys and gals. Coulson, Ward, Fitz, Garrett, Tripplet - Dudes. Skye, May, Simmons, Hand. You go first.
Haven't watched the Americans but on my list of show to watch (NO SPOILERS in the key of Portlandia skit). You get Jake, I'll take Fitz (who is a brit, for me swoon!). Stupid kinja!!!
Oh this, "A double take of horror". But with all the flotsam around about how Ward might not be HAIL HYDRA! is making me just want him to be bad (because seriously, then he is interesting). How do you feel about the shipping moment with May and Coulson? I'm down with it.
My week is ending via pop culture hook-ups on a "just fucking NO' note. On days beginning with T with Skye/Ward and now Quinn/Huck, just a BIG OL' NOPE!!!!
I mean, I two is a lot. I can share. Which one would you like. I'm not picky (to be clear, its not like either are a guy you just leave in the alley).
I wanted to see the Quinn and Huck hookup EVEN less than I wanted to see the Skye and Ward kiss on Agents of Shield this past Tuesday.