
Ditto Papa Pope reference, but yeah those were Sally Langston (shows white VP) references but for a moment I thought we were going back to the Sally Hamings moment (which worked that once). I may be wrong, because I'm tipsy on the wine.

Liv has horrible taste on men plus her dad is horrible. Should we instead ask if Shonda has horrible men in her life? Maybe not (See: Grey's Anatomy).

Ok, Huck and Charlie, make out. Quinn told you to do so!!!

Well, that's just horrible. Look Scott Foley's radiance aside (Felicity fan from back in the day) BUT still. Fitz is hot when he's not playing Fitz in interviews BUT still. *huffs and flounces around*

The show would be Cyrus, Harrison, and Abby....that's not a show. Also Cyrus becomes defacto villian. ALSO, LIV - EVERY MAN in your life SUX.

Oh, as long as your useful no one on this show will kill you. #Bullshit #JamesHadAChildWithCyrus

I loath Fitz, Jake, Papa Pope, Huck, and Quinn. Together we have so little left.

You should only shout at your TV when Scandal is on. #Catharsis

Yup, computer programming.

Is it just me, but is are Orphan Black ads (and I LOVED Season 1 of Orphan Black) totally hiding/covering up comments and drop down menus? Or is it just my preferred browser of Google Chrome?

I don't think Huck CAN question anyone without hurting them. Just saying. Even if he just licks their cheek and pulls out a tooth.

Elections work different in the Shonda-verse.

Liv, RUN!!! All the men in your life are horrible, RUN!!! Run from Fitz, Run from Jake, Run from Papa Pope. RUN!!!

Gladiator speak deciphered = Maximum Decimation for All*

Well, like what happened to GW? I mean, personally no to doing it to Hillary. I plead the fifth about it happening to GW (I was fine with it). Is this what equality of the sexes in politics is supposed to look like? If so, I don't really want it.

I thought Maryland (where I live and have written two lit reviews on) had bad laws on the books for mothers who are addicted to substances where their child can be taken away from them in the delivery room (because hospitals can test their blood for drugs) and be remanded to incarceration (for child endangerment) if

Meanwhile, non-sexist, non-racist, non-transphobic comments to add to an actual discussion just echo, Echo, ECHO in the vast wastelands.

Oh, it is a desolate cold landscape of a place in the New Greys indeed.

Just clicked on All Replies and saw you beat me in saying what I just posted (now in the hinterlands of the New Greys). Cosign exactly what you said. I wish (oh how I wish) that there was some sort of cross-Gawker media site Science Editor. io9 does a pretty good job, but Jez and Gawker specifically could benefit. I

Uhm, first sex selection of embryos implanted in a womb via IVF doesn't really count as genetic modification. Also, this statement "we wanted them to be healthy and free of genetic diseases." isn't necessarily correct because I'm pretty sure they can't test embryos for for all potential genetic anomalies at such and