
I mean, if a friend looked at me the way that Aziraphale and Crowley look at each other, I would be like, “Why are you eye-fucking me, friend?”

Amazing. Every word of what you just said was wrong.

You don’t have to apologize. This issue has been covered extensively here, and there’s no need to rehash everyone’s feelings ad nauseam. Dave Bautista’s latest comment is news and you reported it responsibly.

Mike Colter is a ridiculously handsome man who’s spent years playing heartthobs on screens big and small.

I wish they had not bothered to create that ‘surrogate mom’ character for Chalke.

Just a warm note that, according to research, the rate of false reports of abuse are somewhere between 2% and 10%, which is to say they are immensely uncommon. Believe victims.

18 years as a Catholic, many of those as an altar boy.

Like most Catholics, practicing, ex, or otherwise, I have a more liberal view of the world than doctrine expects. Most normal people have a gay relative or friend, and unlike Evangelicals we don’t view them as sinners but people deserving of love and compassion.

Most Catholics are Democrats? And despite being Democrats, those Catholics are going to join the Trump train because a dude kissed another dude?

I was raised Catholic so I pretty much call bullshit on you.

That’s like saying, “Movies shouldn’t be written badly.” Sure, everyone can agree that there are good and bad ways to do things, and doing diversity badly is...well, I wouldn’t say bad, because I think that it’s better than nothing, but it’s certainly not what anyone is hoping for. But that’s not an argument against

Meh. If the character is written as queer, then show it. Better than X-washing characters (says the white guy).

Two more from science fiction writers:

Mrs Lizardo famously (infamously) once caught bread on fire in the microwave. Just a slice of frozen bread she was too impatient to thaw on the countertop. I have a degree in chemistry and a medical degree. I googled for half an hour when it happened trying to figure out how. I have decided it is simply one of those

Counterpoint: Amaya is fine and I’ll miss her. And considering if she leaves and is replaced by Ava, you’ll have a woman of color replaced by a white woman, so you may not want to be so celebratory. I would personally prefer they both be regulars next season.

I’m not saying you are not entitled to your opinion, but I liked this season the least. That is probably because body horror isn’t really my thing and not a reflection of the quality of the production. It certainly wasn’t so bad and stupid that it made me scream at the TV like the first season of American Horror Story.