I'd love a reboot of Birds of Prey BUT I want Barabra Gordon back in her wheelchair as Oracle. If we need a Batgirl, then bring on Stephanie Brown. I want it all.
I'd love a reboot of Birds of Prey BUT I want Barabra Gordon back in her wheelchair as Oracle. If we need a Batgirl, then bring on Stephanie Brown. I want it all.
Golly gee yes, Static Shock is DC comics but yeah he is AWESOME. Going over on the DC side of comics in movie universe I'd love to see Cyborg (BIG Teen Titans fan), Nightwing (just yes), Swampthing, Animalman, and any of the DC supernatural heroes. Just no more Batman or Superman.
I want a true supehero worth fighting for on the small screen. I want that superhero to be a woman or a POC. I might have to wait until MCU Netflix (Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Iron Fist...can he be Asian...?) . We'll see.
Didn't actually read the article, but yeah I'm working on gay nazing to take over Amurica.
I see no problem with this, except it can't do this:
Jake's isn't much better...Liv needs to expand her dating pool. Seriously.
Some possible places linked in this article: http://www.kpopstarz.com/articles/86380…
Fitz will never give you actual evidence, just platitudes and sweeping grand gestures (*cough* house in Vermont *cough*)
"I'm Shy" - Creepy Seattle Guy seeking a 'Casual' Roommate
Fell in love with Tracy Chapman way back in the mid-90's when I was leaving high school and going to college. I have some pretty distinct memories associated with listening to her music. Like going on a 18 (probably longer) drive from MD to FL with the biology club for a spring break field trip to swim with manatee.…
Ok, Im'ma gonna be honest. Other than some Buffy and other specific recent graphic novels (like Baltimore, the first 5 walking Dead collected editions, etc) I haven't followed comics (artwise) since the late 90's. I've read (in text) all about the House of M story because Scarlet Witch became a fav (along along with…
The ants go marching 1 by 1, HURRAH!
Dear Dodai Stewart, please make this so. Please?
I totally get that the iron work would be a specific detail so get how you'd pick up on that. :-) Already in set design....well then let's create a new position for you that is like, 'cross platform/show set design big person in charge to make sure all sets used by the same production company look different'. I've…
No problem, looked up Coipel's wiki (he only did DC Legion of Sups stuff: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olivier_C…) and only a Marvel Wiki for Morales (http://marvel.wikia.com/Mark_Morales) but you know what, kind cool both are POC. Though it'd be nice it more WOC were represented as creators in the big 2 comics.
I haven't watched House of Cards (I know, my BFF/roommate has watched it and rails against my lack of having watched it). Does you're hidden talent include being a B'more native? Random aside my BFF/roommate is friends with Sufi who play's Sue. Even if your hidden talent isn't geography specific you should totally be…
Welp Quinn, guess what you are one broken noodle now.
Oh Fitz, to lay that down on Mellie and knowing (in some capacity) Olivia is right outside that door. And now talking like this to Liv.
So much soap!!! Soapy, soapy, soapy. But I love it, I feel so clean and dirty at the same time. Oh Scandal.