
You forgot a comma.

I am taking your lack of no as a yes. Thank you.


Apparently not. Otherwise why write a post about an “embattled teen online retailer”? Is this native advertising or not?

I am just saying, why write about a company (twice) that no one has ever heard of and apparently no one shops at, if money did not change hands?

Isn’t that the point of Facebook. People only care about what they care about. All about the bubble, baby!

“Native Advertising” Basically an ad that is pretending to not be an ad so it is not blocked, like the 36 ads blocked on this page.

Please God, don’t let Florence Welch be the last thing I hear.

Who cares?

Just stay away from the sugar-free kind. Instead, just delight yourself with the reviews on Amazon.

Crap. I didn’t know the Laverne Cox show also had Heigl. Boo Hiss!

The version I knew was much less dark (until she stubbed her toe)

Glory was the worst, but I loved Andrew. And the fact that Jonathan co-created Empire blows my mind.

From Wikipedia: Charo’s year of birth has been the subject of dispute for many years. Official documents in Charo’s birthplace of Murcia, her original Spanish passport, and her naturalization papers state that her birth date is March 13, 1941. After emigrating to the United States, Charo claimed that she was born in

Jellybean’s Sidewalk Talk. Featuring Madonna.

The next season of Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt should have Titus doing a one-man unauthorized version of Cats called “Felines”

Call USA 1000! Nobody bothers me. Nobody bothers me either!

Actually they give lots of shits, but mostly due to strained peas and carrots.

As a lifelong resident of DC (43 years), I can tell you nobody dresses like that in real life here.